Wednesday, January 29, 2020

安東· 契訶夫 Anton Chekhov ; 《契訶夫傳》;《庫頁島》;《淡淡的幽默--契訶夫回憶》,《契訶夫文集》《巴金談契訶夫》

To portray life as it should be. This was writer Anton Chekhov’s purpose, and nothing deflected him from it. Through writing, Chekhov, who was born #OnThisDay in 1832, illustrated the miseries of life around him in order to point to a better life ahead.
Despite a short creative life spanning over less than two decades, Chekhov managed to secure his status as one of the greatest contributors to world literature. Known as the master of the short story, his work continues to inspire to this day.
Discover more about Chekhov in The Unesco Courier issue with the title that says it all – "Anton Chekhov: Genius in a Nutshell" #UNESCOCourier

Anton Chekhov was born on this day in 1860.
"The role of the artist is to ask questions, not answer them." —Anton Chekhov






In many ways, the right-wing Suvorin, whom Lenin later called "The running dog of the Tzar" (Payne, XXXV), was Chekhov's opposite; "Chekhov had to function like Suvorin's kidney, extracting the businessman's poisons." Wood, 79 .

辛格雷著(Ronald Hingley),範文譯,《契訶夫傳》,台北:志文文化出版,1975。



中文書 , 契訶夫著 , 志文 , 出版日期: 1985