Thursday, December 29, 2022



Monday, December 12, 2022

男同志電影等新潮文庫 By李幼鸚鵡鵪鶉



Fanny 來一篇 讓我可以讀三呆在2010年的介紹信 
中原的"傑出校友": 上帝的忍者學校與小雀鳥/張文亮:從教室逃走
今天90元買150人:Brief lives : twentieth-century pen portraits from the Dictionary of National Biography

1945-1990 150位當代英國名人寫剛過世的熟人(著名的英國國家傳記辭典第一次選刊)  我第一看的是BBC的創辦人Reith  參考:BBC - The BBC Story - John Reith  (8篇) The life of Lord Reith, first Director-General of the BBC.
還花約520元兩本英文傳記 各約650頁 美國文豪S. Bellow傳Grant 總統回憶錄
Ken Su 今天曬曬書房   其實這本書我根本看不懂:
還有 HC 贈送的《原版《玉篇》殘卷》,這是中國中華書局影印民國初年購自日本的唐朝寫本。
我傍晚也經過所謂"紀州庵" 他無法跟台南的臺灣文學館比
不過翻看一本文藝獎得主的怪書 我從中得知志文的老闆還是張清吉先生
書名, 鵪鶉在鸚鵡頭上唱歌: 是傳記也是傳奇/    李幼鸚鵡鵪鶉作. 臺北市: 志文, 2010.
書中還有一本皇冠出版社為張愛玲女士憶胡適之 的單印本 還有Joe用貓臉畫胡適之先生....

李幼鸚鵡鵪鶉的文章 詳破報等等

李幼鸚鵡鵪鶉- 學習加油站

2010年10月13日 ... 李幼新現為全職的影評人,近年來長期擔任『破』週報以及『世界電影月刊』的專欄影評作家,活躍於台灣的藝文界,2006年改名為「李幼鸚鵡鵪鶉」。 ...


(文/張菫宸 圖/破報)

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

以為普多夫金 (Vsevolod Illarionovich Pudovkin , 1893 –1953) 《電影技巧與電影表演》劉森堯譯,是志文,卻是書林出版 1987。Chess Fever (1925) build up


以為普多夫金 (Vsevolod Illarionovich Pudovkin , 1893 –1953) 《電影技巧與電影表演》劉森堯譯,是志文,卻是書林出版 1987。Chess Fever等都很有意思....

His first notable work was a comedy short Chess Fever (1925) co-directed with Nikolai ShpikovskyJosé Raúl Capablanca played a small part in it, with a number of other cameos presented. In 1926 he directed what would become one of the masterpieces of silent moviesMother, where he developed several montage theories that would make him famous. Both movies featured Pudovkin's wife Anna Nikolaevna Zemtsova in supporting female parts (she left cinema shortly after).

The film is not shot, but built, built up from the separate strips of celluloid that are its raw material.

— Vsevolod Pudovkin[3]


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Vsevolod Pudovkin
Vsevolod Pudovkin 1951.jpg
Pudovkin in Italy in 1951
Vsevolod Illarionovich Pudovkin

16 February 1893
Died30 June 1953 (aged 60)
OccupationFilm directorscreenwriteractor
Years active1919–1953

Vsevolod Illarionovich Pudovkin (Russian: Всеволод Илларионович ПудовкинIPA: [ˈfsʲevələt ɪlərʲɪˈonəvʲɪtɕ pʊˈdofkʲɪn]; 16 February 1893 – 30 June 1953)[1][2] was a Russian and Soviet film directorscreenwriter and actor who developed influential theories of montage.[3] Pudovkin's masterpieces are often contrasted with those of his contemporary Sergei Eisenstein, but whereas Eisenstein utilized montage to glorify the power of the masses, Pudovkin preferred to concentrate on the courage and resilience of individuals. He was granted the title of People's Artist of the USSR in 1948.

電影技巧與電影表演(絕版)_普多夫金_劉森堯_書林出版_ ... 《電影技巧與電影表演》普多夫金一方面是導演,另一方面是演員,於是以 ...

《電影技巧與電影表演》書林民國76年6月2版 普多金夫著 ...

舊俄時期的巨擘導演普多夫金 (Vsevolod Illarionovich Pudovkin , 1893 –1953) ,久聞其大名,但難得看到其電影,多年前在偶然的機會欣賞了其大作《亞洲風暴》(Storm Over Asia),印象頗深。
Chess Fever (1925) - English subs

Monday, November 14, 2022

The Latin cogito, ergo sum, usually translated into English as "I think, therefore I am"我思故我在1637 Discourse on the Method, "I do, therefore I exist"

Rene Descartes ''I''m thinking, therefore I exist"

1637 Discourse on the Method, 或可作為法語教本。
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia,_ergo_sum

René Descartes

The Latin cogito, ergo sum, usually translated into English as "I think, therefore I am",[a] is the "first principle" of René Descartes's philosophy. He originally published it in French as je pense, donc je suis in his 1637 Discourse on the Method, so as to reach a wider audience than Latin would have allowed.[1]

John Macmurray[edit]

The Scottish philosopher John Macmurray rejects the cogito outright in order to place action at the center of a philosophical system he entitles the Form of the Personal. "We must reject this, both as standpoint and as method. If this be philosophy, then philosophy is a bubble floating in an atmosphere of unreality."[61] The reliance on thought creates an irreconcilable dualism between thought and action in which the unity of experience is lost, thus dissolving the integrity of our selves, and destroying any connection with reality. In order to formulate a more adequate cogito, Macmurray proposes the substitution of "I do" for "I think," ultimately leading to a belief in God as an agent to whom all persons stand in relation.

  西洋近代哲學之父 #笛卡兒 的「我思故我在」早已成為舉世傳誦的名言。就憑他這句話,人類便結束了西方歷時一千多年的中世哲學,而開闢另一新紀元。笛卡兒是第一個以科學方法向「有」的「真實性」挑戰的思想家。他不但說出「有」也說出「有」的「真」來,至今人們還秉持著他的名言在追求真理。他在哲學上影響了幾個世紀人類的歷史,給現代的思想帶來了新的衝擊、新的精神及新的動力。
可能是 1 人、書籍和顯示的文字是「 76 新潮文庫 COGITOERGS COGITO ERGO SUM 我思故我在 我在 笛卡兒的一生及其思想 方法導論 近代哲學之父 笛卡兒 著 錢志純 編」的圖像

Friday, November 11, 2022






鍾玲斷為「表現澎湃激情及思想層次」~~ 《現代中國謬司》381~87



  • 九閽
  • jiǔ hūn
  • (1).九天之門。亦指九天。唐·劉禹錫《楚望賦》:“高莫高兮九閽,遠莫遠兮故園。”明趙震元《爲李公師祭袁石寓憲副》:“既不克,叩九閽而往訴,迄公(袁可立子袁樞)之再造睢人也。”清·鈕琇《觚賸續編》卷三:“常恨羽翼未生,九閽難叩。”《花月痕》第三回:“名花落溷已含冤,欲借天風叫九閽。”
  • (2).喻朝廷。宋·曾鞏《答葛蘊》詩:“春風吹我衣,暮召入九閽。”《明史·王家屏傳》:“小民愁苦之聲殷天震地,而獨未徹九閽。” 清·陳夢雷《東行口占》之一:“襆被登車謝九閽,三年囚首一身存。”
  • Thursday, November 10, 2022

    與曹老師和張華 11.10。曹永洋贈自製《電影藝術一一黑澤明的世界 ) 紀念他跟張清吉的友情 2022.11.10轉贈給我。 唐納.瑞奇Donald Richie (1924 –2013... wrote about the Japanese people, the culture of Japan, and especially ...) 著《電影藝術一一黑澤明的世界 (The films of Akira Kurosawa 曹永洋 譯介,志文版)。Akira Kurosawa 的回憶錄。The Japan Journals: 1947-2004 《日本日記》Donald Richie

    Donald Richie - Wikipedia › wiki › Donald_...

    Donald Richie (17 April 1924 – 19 February 2013) was an American-born author who wrote about the Japanese people, the culture of Japan, and especially ...
    Biography · ‎Books by Richie · ‎Films, books and papers on... · ‎Films by Richie

    In the foreword to Richie's book A Hundred Years Of Japanese FilmPaul Schrader writes, "Whatever we in the West know about Japanese film, and how we know it, we most likely owe to Donald Richie." Richie also penned analyses of two of Japan's best known filmmakers: Yasujirō Ozu and Akira Kurosawa. Because Richie was a friend of Fumio Hayasaka, who composed music for the cinema, he first met Kurosawa on the set of Drunken Angel, the director's initial collaboration with Toshiro Mifune.

    Rashomon (1950) Commentary by Donald Richie


    The Films of Akira Kurosawa, Third Edition, Expanded and Updated (Paperback)

    The Films of Akira Kurosawa, Third Edition, Expanded and Updated Cover Image
    Ships from Warehouse, Usually in 1-8 Days


    In an epilogue provided for his incomparable study of Akira Kurosawa (1910-1998), Donald Richie reflects on Kurosawa's life work of thirty feature films and describes his last, unfinished project, a film set in the Edo period to be called The Ocean Was Watching.

    Kurosawa remains unchallenged as one of the century's greatest film directors. Through his long and distinguished career he managed, like very few others in the teeth of a huge and relentless industry, to elevate each of his films to a distinctive level of art. His Rashomon—one of the best-remembered and most talked-of films in any language—was a revelation when it appeared in 1950 and did much to bring Japanese cinema to the world's attention. Kurosawa's films display an extraordinary breadth and an astonishing strength, from the philosophic and sexual complexity of Rashomon to the moral dedication of Ikiru, from the naked violence of Seven Samurai to the savage comedy of Yojimbo, from the terror-filled feudalism of Throne of Blood to the piercing wit of Sanjuro.

    About the Author

    Donald Richie (1924-2013) was the Arts Critic for The Japan Times.

    Praise For…

    "A gratifying study for both film buff and critic."
    — Kirkus Reviews

    "The seminal work on one of the greatest of all film artists, [it] has universally been regarded as a masterpiece of film criticism."
    — Bloomsbury Review

    "Definitive, readable, and a virtual model for future studies in the field."
    — Saturday Review

    Product Details
    ISBN: 9780520220379
    ISBN-10: 0520220374
    Publisher: University of California Press
    Publication Date: January 20th, 1999
    Pages: 288
    Language: English
    Additional Physical Format: Online version: Richie, Donald, 1924- Films of Akira KurosawaBerkeleyUniversity of California Press, 1965 (OCoLC)573359484. Named Person: Akira Kurosawa; Akira Kurosawa; Akira Kurosawa; Films; Akira ...

    218 pages

    280 pages 3

    The Films of Akira Kurosawa. Third Edition. By Donald Richie. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1996. 271 pp. $24.95.

    Published online by Cambridge University Press:  26 March 2010



    日本電影在臺灣 - Google 圖書結果

    黃仁 - 2008 - Performing Arts - 514 頁 瑞奇著《電影藝術一一黑澤明的世界 X (志文版)。曹永洋介紹:「唐納.瑞奇原著於 1965 年在英國牛津大學、美國加州大學及日本三地同時出版,被公認為研究黑澤明電影藝術最 .. ---

    川瀨健一 ---- 果然 頁261/267/305 中介紹他的調查

    唐纳里奇《日本日記 上 》 上海译文 2011 此書術年前朝日新聞連載過.....

    晚上讀 The Japan Journals: 1947-2004 《日本日記》Donald Richie

    此為佳作 相當感人 雖然譯本有些不習慣 跳著看 許多生與"死ㄅ"之趣味(如青年在Kamakura 圓覺寺對面的宿舍的創作......)和悲哀 ("新天皇"的登車儀式.....三島/川康的生死 朋友之死 小人物文夫 之弟的喪禮......) 他與賴世和對日本文化的了解與接受.....在在令人沉思

    讀D. Richie 日本日記 很好 和服"內褲"顏色 三船敏郎 川島太太的報負 他60 /80 個停4年沒紀 其間生產力高 60年代的結婚又離 

     唐纳里奇《日本日記 上 》 上海译文 2011 一些錯誤 頁160 注 應為 Walter Kaufmann (philosopher) - Wikipedia,談的論文應收入其書: Existentialism, Religion, and Death: Thirteen Essays Donald Richie這本 《日本日記》像Rudolf Arnheim著的 Parables of Sun Light: Observations on psychology, the arts and the rest, (University of California Press, 1989) 都是改寫過的--書中在1960年詳細記下Rudolf 的學者風範-- 不過此注我可補充--此書一時找不到 所以以後再查是否談過.....Donald Richie

    The Japan Journals: 1947-2004

    Donald Richie (Author), Leza Lowitz (Editor)

    From Publishers Weekly

    Since moving to Japan in 1947, Richie has written hundreds of books, directed several films and befriended dozens of Japanese celebrities, including composer Taru Takemitsu, novelist-icon Yukio Mishima and filmmaker Akira Kurasawa. Richie has also been the point of contact for non-Japanese artists such as Francis Ford Coppola, Truman Capote and Igor Stravinsky. But what will interest most readers are not so much Richie’s erudite observations on Japanese cultural life as his rather saucy descriptions of his experiences in the country. A self-confessed "sexaholic," Richie declares that he’s slept with "thousands" of people, and sex and sexual relationships are themes that dominate the journals. Richie does give some sense of how Japan has changed in the 50-odd years that he has lived there, but this perspective is constrained because Richie’s context rarely transcends his immediate surroundings. As such, the entries sometimes read like a series of cryptic pieces. There are moments where Richie shines, such as when he describes his divorce and his experiences with Mishima. His views on the intersections of xenophobia, racism "and all the rest" are both poignant and disturbing. For example, after being solicited by a couple of schoolgirls, Ritchie wonders how anyone could think prostitution is wrong, except "if the person does not want to sell, well maybe." But the journals live up to his reputation as a charming wit, and if the erratic narrative sometimes seems surreal, enough bits and pieces come together to inform readers of the Japan Richie experienced as an American insider. 75 b&w photos. Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

    About the Author

    Donald Richie has been writing about Japan for over 50 years from his base in Tokyo and is the author of over 40 books and hundreds of essays and reviews. He is widely admired for his incisive film studies on Ozu and Kurosawa, and for his stylish and incisive observations on Japanese culture.

    Product Details

    • Hardcover: 440 pages
    • Publisher: Stone Bridge Press (October 1, 2004)

    Donald Richie: The Japan Journals 1947-2004This is what every memoir should be. Unhindered by any attempt to be self-serving, Donald Richie’s The Japan Journals: 1947-2004 is about the most unflinchingly honest opening of the tightly turned lid of self you'll ever read. You can't help but like an autobiographer willing to welcome you this deeply into his 510-page heart.

    Not that there's a paucity of things to like about Japanese film historian Donald Richie. One of the most underrated writers of the last 50 years, Richie wields his pen with a depth of insight that more famous writers would swap Booker Prizes for, and his command of detail and emotion are on par with the best — even here in a ‘journal.'

    Although journal in name, The Japan Journals is more than nighttime afterthought, for Richie realized early on that the detritus of his daily life was destined for the shelves of others, and therefore wrote accordingly — with concentration and abundant skill.

    Richie isn't just an interesting writer, he's an interesting human being, a person who has lived a life filled with fascinating and often famous others — Yukio Mishima, Marguerite Yourcenar, Emperor Hirohito and Francis Ford Coppola, to name a few. Included is perhaps the most insightful assessment of the internal life of the near impossible-to-comprehend Mishima, while it is highly likely that Richie is the inspiration for Bill Murray’s character in Sofia Coppola’s Lost in Translation, for he tells of spending time with the teenaged director-to-be in Tokyo.

    Better known as the leading Western authority on Japanese film, the beyond erudite Donald Richie could also be subtitled the ‘Gore Vidal who chose to live in Japan.' Equally talented and insightful as the American polemicist, Richie is more heartfelt to Vidal’s glib, and therefore on final reckoning, even more rewarding.


    “Although human beings are incapable of talking about themselves with total honesty, it is much harder to avoid the truth while pretending to be other people. They often reveal much about themselves in a very straightforward way. I am certain that I did. There is nothing that says more about its creator than the work itself.”
    Akira Kurosawa, Something Like an Autobiography
    Something Like an Autobiography (1982) is the memoir of Japanese film director Akira Kurosawa
    可能是 3 個人的圖像

    Sunday, November 6, 2022

    教學之藝術 協志工業出版的長銷書


    教學之藝術  協志工業出版的長銷書



    三子周煒良(1911~1995),數學家; 三女周叔蘋; 四女周叔昭; 五女周叔嫻; 六女周叔蘅. 次子周明奎,後名逵(1890~1968),醫學家; 三子周明揚,後名暹,字叔 ...
    生平 · ‎家庭 · ‎第二代

    愛迪生傳- University of Macau › permalink

    克拉克(Clark, Graves Gleuwood,1894-1931) 撰.; Ke la ke (Clark, Graves Gleuwood,1894-1931) zhuan. ; ; 周叔昭, 譯.; Z(台灣華國出版社/1956年6月初版). 32開,122頁

    周叔昭譯. 作者:, 吉伯爾.哈艾特原著. 輔助作者:, 嚴景珊.周叔昭譯. 版本:, 初版. 出版項:, 臺北市:協志工業出版,民49[1960].


     借閱次數 : 23


    作者:哈艾特 (Highet, Gilbert);嚴景珊;周叔昭;Higet, Gilbert
    規格:326面 ;21公分
    出版地:臺北巿 :
    集叢名:協志工業叢書, 社會;