北齋(HOKUSAI )漫畫中的"觀音"。芥川龍之介的(Akutagawa’s) 河童 ( Kappas):金溟若先生編譯《羅生門‧河童》(芥川龍之介) 《河童》英譯 2023
Japanese novels of self-portraiture and self-erasure
Times Literary Supplement
https://www.the-tls.co.uk › articles › kappa-ryunosuke...
Kappa is one of those pieces of art derived not from the slow-moving waters of artistic contemplation, but from a frantic torrent of desperate activity.河童英譯本出版,97頁,2023
'Contrary to folklore, Akutagawa’s Kappas inhabit a thoroughly humanoid world of industry, art, petty crime, flimsy piety and all the rest'
Japanese novels of self-portraiture and self-erasure
金溟若先生編譯《羅生門‧河童》(芥川龍之介) 台北:志文,1969/1994

芥川龍之介 齒輪
Be angry and sin not, we say, quoting Ephesians 4:26.
Pelias (Aeson's half-brother) was power-hungry and sought to gain dominion over all of Thessaly. Pelias was the progeny of a union between their shared mother, Tyro ("high born Tyro"), the daughter of Salmoneus, and the sea god Poseidon. In a bitter feud, he overthrew Aeson (the rightful king), killing all the descendants of Aeson that he could. He spared his half-brother for unknown reasons. Aeson's wife Alcimede I had a newborn son named Jason whom she saved from Pelias by having female attendants cluster around the infant and cry as if he were still-born. Fearing that Pelias would eventually notice and kill her son, Alcimede sent him away to be reared by the centaur Chiron,[17]; she claimed that she had been having an affair with him all along. Pelias, fearing that his ill-gotten kingship might be challenged, consulted an oracle, who warned him to beware of a man wearing only one sandal.
Many years later, Pelias was holding games in honor of Poseidon when the grown Jason arrived in Iolcus, having lost one of his sandals in the river Anauros ("wintry Anauros") while helping an old woman (actually the Goddess Hera in disguise) to cross[17]. She blessed him for she knew, as goddesses do, what Pelias had planned. When Jason entered Iolcus (present-day city of Volos), he was announced as a man wearing only one sandal. Jason, aware that he was the rightful king, so informed Pelias. Pelias replied, "To take my throne, which you shall, you must go on a quest to find the Golden Fleece." Jason readily accepted this condition.


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