Monday, December 3, 2018

《伊索寓言》 Fables of Aesop. 樹木與橄欖樹 A story for Aesop :John Berger


伊索(Aesop) 2001 伊索寓言,吳憶帆譯。臺北:志文出版社。


... The Shepherd Boy & the Wolf · The Farmer & the Stork · The Sheep & the Pig · The Travelers & the Purse · The Lion & the Ass · The Frogs Who Wished for a ...

Nancy Schön's Aesop's Fables

As retold by Anita Diamint, 24 videos of timeless lessons, based on Nancy Schön's new sculpture series.

新伊索寓言, AESOP原著; Olivia, Robert Temple英文版編註; 黃美惠中譯, 聯經出版事業股份有限, 2000

為什麼許多寓言中的動物和事物都不是希臘所能見/知的呢? 因為史地因素從衣索匹亞和埃及傳來不少的故事.....

新伊索寓言 Aesop: The Complete Fables

古希臘的伊索是律師?奴隸?還是寵臣?為什麼他這麼會說故事?獅子為什麼會和素食的驢子一起去獵食?水獺在緊急時,為何要將自己的生殖器咬斷、吞落 腹中?別人好心在勸告你的時候,可不要說他是烏鴉嘴喲!天鵝輓歌這個浪漫的典故,是如何而來的?土狼的性別是一年為雌,一年為雄?有沒有搞錯呀!
   此書是目前世界最完整版的新伊索寓言,收錄358則寓教於樂的寓言故事,在兩位專家Olivia & Robert Temple多年的研究下,做了最多的解讀與註釋。本書將帶你回到古希臘文明,一窺這些寓言背後的真實面貌。當然,以上問題的答案,只有這本新伊索寓言, 才有解答。 

Nancy Schön's Aesop's Fables

As retold by Anita Diamint, 24 videos of timeless lessons, based on Nancy Schön's new sculpture series.

新伊索寓言, AESOP原著; Olivia, Robert Temple英文版編註; 黃美惠中譯, 聯經出版事業股份有限, 2000

為什麼許多寓言中的動物和事物都不是希臘所能見/知的呢? 因為史地因素從衣索匹亞和埃及傳來不少的故事.....

新伊索寓言 Aesop: The Complete Fables

古希臘的伊索是律師?奴隸?還是寵臣?為什麼他這麼會說故事?獅子為什麼會和素食的驢子一起去獵食?水獺在緊急時,為何要將自己的生殖器咬斷、吞落 腹中?別人好心在勸告你的時候,可不要說他是烏鴉嘴喲!天鵝輓歌這個浪漫的典故,是如何而來的?土狼的性別是一年為雌,一年為雄?有沒有搞錯呀!
   此書是目前世界最完整版的新伊索寓言,收錄358則寓教於樂的寓言故事,在兩位專家Olivia & Robert Temple多年的研究下,做了最多的解讀與註釋。本書將帶你回到古希臘文明,一窺這些寓言背後的真實面貌。當然,以上問題的答案,只有這本新伊索寓言, 才有解答。 

The Complete Fables (Penguin Classics) [Paperback]

Aesop (Author), Robert Temple (Translator, Introduction), Olivia Temple (Translator) 

'Many people are not in the least disturbed at the harm that befalls them, provided they can see their enemies’ downfall first’
In a series of pithy, amusing vignettes, Aesop created a vivid cast of characters to demonstrate different aspects of human nature. Here we see a wily fox outwitted by a quick-thinking cicada, a tortoise triumphing over a self-confident hare and a fable-teller named Aesop silencing those who mock him. Each jewel-like fable provides a warning about the consequences of wrong-doing, as well as offering a glimpse into the everyday lives of Ancient Greeks.
This definitive edition is the first translation into English of the entire corpus of 358 unbowdlerized fables. It is fully annotated, with an introduction that rescues the fables from a tradition of moralistic interpretation.

About the Author

Aesop probably lived in the middle part of the sixth century BC. A statement in Herodotus gives ground for thinking that he was a slave belonging to a citizen of Samos called Iadmon. Legend says that he was ugly and misshapen. There are many references to Aesop found in the Athenian writers: Aristophanes, Xenophon, Plato, Aristotle and others. It is not known whether he wrote down his Fables himself, nor indeed how many of them are correctly attributed to his invention.

Fables by Aesop 《伊索寓言》《新伊索寓言》A story for Aesop :John Berger 西班牙名畫家與民風;


A story for Aesop :John Berger 西班牙名畫家與民風; 'Velázquez'',;菲力普四世(Felipe IV)委拉斯奎茲(Diego Velázquez)的《侍女圖(Las Meninas)》加泰隆尼亞人獨立公投

"Notoriety is often mistaken for fame.”
―from "The Mischievous Dog" included in FABLES by Aesop
Aesop is said to have lived in the sixth century B.C., a slave on the Greek island of Samos. The eternally entertaining tales attributed to him–in which the fates of sly foxes, wicked wolves, industrious ants, and others, suggest what our own behaviors should (or should not) be–have been universal "best-sellers" since before L’Estrange’s definitive 1692 English translation. Gooden’s superb engravings were first published in 1936 in a limited edition. READ an excerpt here:…/1027/fables-by-aesop/

“Five hundred years from now,” writes Anthony Madrid, “if the human race still exists, scholars will be sifting through our hard drives, straining to comprehend the relationship between our stories and our morals.”

The grasshopper just made a mistake, y’all. It’s not like it’s an unalterable fact that he needs to be punished. Indeed, the moral could be: People who have evaded a calamity inevitably enjoy tormenting those who must bear the calamity’s brunt.

... The Shepherd Boy & the Wolf · The Farmer & the Stork · The Sheep & the Pig · The Travelers & the Purse · The Lion & the Ass · The Frogs Who Wished for a ...

周作人翻譯《伊索寓言》 252


《士師記 /民長紀:Chapter 9


我的部分 伊索寓言 Aesop


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