Thursday, January 25, 2024

“memorization,” A.I. companies 版權之爭

 A.I. companies have responded that using copyrighted material is protected under “fair use,” a part of copyright law that allows material to be used in certain cases. They also said that reproducing copyrighted material too closely is a bug, often called “memorization,” that they are trying to fix. Memorization can happen when the training data is overwhelmed with many similar or identical images, A.I. experts said. But the problem is found also with material that only rarely appears in the training data, like emails.

蕭乾《莎士比亞戲劇故事》。《蜜月》翻譯偵探事務所 。台灣《白鯨記》九成用中國曹先生翻譯本1980年代。 A.I. 大抄襲 2024



Several lawsuits, from actors like Sarah Silverman and authors like John Grisham, have put that question before the courts. (The Times has sued OpenAI, the company behind ChatGPT, and Microsoft, a major backer of the company, for infringing its copyright on news content.)2024

台灣90年代實施版權制,成為國際版權的模範生,這之前,可以說,處於《出版業江湖》,侵犯版權的事,層出不窮 (中國的情形,類似)。

.....因此可以確定這本是以蕭乾的莎士比亞戲劇故事集稍做文字編輯而成。    署名"陳文瑞"的志文版再版多次,幾乎年年再版。1975初版之後....
翻譯偵探事務所: 比原譯還暢銷--志文版的莎士比亞的故事


Wednesday, January 24, 2024

新潮名著《戰爭與和平》/(戰爭與群眾) ;War and Peace (Norton 版)

 曹學長師生下午1.25 2時半將來漢清講堂

翻讀 War and Peace Norton 版 特色: 地圖 19和20世紀評論選 俄文日記通信解說
感動 (101):新港素園 非親屬關係的 愛的一家人。阿公李遠和浪花兄弟:都是基因惹的禍;紙風車劇團去年台中清水演出 人山人海 ; 曹永洋師生贈(2024.1.9):《戰爭與和平》(戰爭與群眾) 、《山色如此》(李美慧)、《紅土印象》、《齊白石》(何懷碩畫)、《芥川龍之介的世界》...... 《荒野之狼》 (赫塞著 施智璋譯-贈我2本書,詳後天文《維根斯坦》《風華再起 大稻埕百年》)志文出版社新潮文庫108黃哲斌推薦選情 衛報社論台灣選舉 FT 摘要三點

Friday, January 19, 2024

雄獅美術 2023



Monday, January 15, 2024

Marie Curie 1867~1934. Frédéric Joliot and Irène Joliot-Curie (1935 Nobel Prize in Chemistry)

French chemists Frédéric Joliot and Irène Joliot-Curie communicated their discovery of artificial radioactivity to the French Academy of Sciences on 15 January 1934. They were awarded the 1935 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for their work.
At the Nobel Prize award ceremony in Stockholm the Chairman of the Nobel Committee for Chemistry said in his speech: “Thanks to your discoveries, it has become possible, for the first time, to transform artificially one element into another hitherto unknown.”
They were the son-in-law and daughter of Nobel Prize laureates Pierre Curie and Marie Skłodowska Curie.
French chemists Frédéric Joliot (left) and Irène Joliot-Curie (right).

Marie Curie
French-Polish physicist
Marie Skłodowska Curie was a Polish and naturalized-French physicist and chemist who conducted pioneering research on radioactivity. Wikipedia
BornNovember 7, 1867, Warsaw, Poland
DiedJuly 4, 1934, Sancellemoz
Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less.
Be less curious about people and more curious about ideas.
One never notices what has been done; one can only see what remains to be done.

117    《居里夫人傳》1975/1977


圖像裡可能有1 人

On this day in 1867, Polish and naturalized-French scientist Marie Curie was born in Warsaw. Today we pay tribute to this woman who passionately dedicated her life to scientific research. Largely known for her work in the radioactivity field, it is important to recall that Marie Curie was the first woman ever to receive the Nobel Prize, the first person and only woman to win twice, the only person to win a Nobel Prize in two different sciences, as well as the first woman to l
lecture at the Sorbonne University in Paris.
Marie Curie will always be an inspiring example to all women wishing to pursue a career in science. Today let us remember Marie Curie and let us remember that the World still needs more women in science.

In 1882, the Flying University consisted of professors, philosophers, and historians, who traveled from private home to private home and taught stories forbidden by the government. (via Curiosity)

Saturday, January 13, 2024

佳美(12) 古之學者為己。 Man for Himself ( Erich Fromm 新潮文庫版本待查到了解《自我的追尋》 )到Leonard Bernstein於196年一段話((並討論翻譯)

 佳美(12) 古之學者為己。 Man for Himself ( Erich Fromm 新潮文庫版本待查到了解《自我的追尋》 )到Leonard Bernstein於196年一段話(並討論翻譯)

佳美(12) 古之學者為己。 Man for Himself ( Erich Fromm 新潮文庫版本待查到了解《自我的追尋》 )到Leonard Bernstein於196年一段話((並討論翻譯)

 Man for Himself ( Erich Fromm 新潮文庫版本待查)到Leonard Bernstein於196年一段話((並討論翻譯)

自我的完全 潛能的發揮 Man for Himself ( Erich Fromm 新潮文庫版本待查)到Leonard Bernstein於196年一段話((並討論翻譯)

"Man's main task in life is to give birth to himself, to become what he potentially is. The most important product of his effort is his own personality." ~ Erich Fromm


Man for Himself: An Inquiry Into the Psychology of Ethics by Erich Fromm

Man for Himself 的另外一種說法,或許更“專業”

 思考google 翻譯的末句為何錯誤

我的改譯:「人不是為了效果而工作,也不是想在藝術家行業中立足。他經由研究、學習、工作和思考,將自己發展成為一個聰明、敏感的人、並有做為人的意識:並根據不斷增長的智慧、敏感性和人的意識等資源來創造音樂。」 -Leonard Bernstein, April 1967


"One doesn't work for effects, and one doesn't set up in the artist business. One studies and learns and works and thinks to develop oneself as an intelligent, sensitive, and aware human being: and out of the always-increasing resources of intelligence, sensitivity, and awareness, the human being makes music."

 -Leonard Bernstein, April 1967

[Photo by Alfred Eisenstaedt]

 思考google 翻譯的末句為何錯誤

我的改譯:「人不是為了效果而工作,也不是想在藝術家行業中立足。他經由研究、學習、工作和思考,將自己發展成為一個聰明、敏感的人、並有做為人的意識:並根據不斷增長的智慧、敏感性和人的意識等資源來創造音樂。」 -Leonard Bernstein, April 1967


"One doesn't work for effects, and one doesn't set up in the artist business. One studies and learns and works and thinks to develop oneself as an intelligent, sensitive, and aware human being: and out of the always-increasing resources of intelligence, sensitivity, and awareness, the human being makes music."  -Leonard Bernstein, April 1967

這段話我這段話我這段話我引用過: 當時未深入談

2016年5月11日 星期三

鍾漢清回憶錄:初中英文、國文、"吐絲"、pollution、Euthanasia、plant、shoplifting...The Private Papers of Henry Ryecroft 、Mayor of Casterbridge

在聖公會靈風堂的漂書書架,看見兩本佛洛姆的著作:《自我的追尋》*(Man For Himself)和《理性的掙札》(The Sane Society),心想捐出這兩本書的人必定跟我差不多年紀。



本書是《逃避自由》續集。本書的目的在於重申人本倫力(sic )的價值,並以倫理問題做心理上的探討,道出當前現代人困惑的癥結,以及社會的病因。佛洛姆鼓勵我們認清自我,努力成為真正自我的本體,擺脫人為痛苦的囚困而追求真正的幸福。

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

感動 (101):新港素園 非親屬關係的 愛的一家人。阿公李遠和浪花兄弟:都是基因惹的禍;紙風車劇團去年台中清水演出 人山人海 ; 曹永洋師生贈(2024.1.9):《戰爭與和平》(戰爭與群眾) 、《山色如此》(李美慧)、《紅土印象》、《齊白石》(何懷碩畫)、《芥川龍之介的世界》...... 《荒野之狼》 (赫塞著 施智璋譯-贈我2本書,詳後天文《維根斯坦》《風華再起 大稻埕百年》)

  感動 (101):新港素園 非親屬關係的 愛的一家人。阿公李遠和浪花兄弟:都是基因惹的禍;紙風車劇團去年台中清水演出 人山人海 ;  曹永洋師生贈(2024.1.9):《戰爭與和平》(戰爭與群眾)  、《山色如此》(李美慧)、《紅土印象》、《齊白石》(何懷碩畫)、《芥川龍之介的世界》...... 《荒野之狼》 (赫塞著 施智璋譯-贈我2本書,詳後天文《維根斯坦》《風華再起  大稻埕百年》)志文出版社新潮文庫108黃哲斌推薦選情   衛報社論台灣選舉 FT 摘要三點

列夫·托爾斯泰的《戰爭與和平》2本臺北志文出版;英文譯本的討論 獻給曹永洋老師



我有Norton Critical Edition.  Aylmer and Louise Maude (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1922–23 加上相關背景和批評文章。


戰爭與和平》(改革前俄語Война́ и миръ,改革後俄語:Война и мир羅馬化:Voyná i mir, [vɐjˈna i ˈmʲir])是俄國作家列夫·托爾斯泰的一部長篇小說,講述歐洲拿破崙時期的俄羅斯所發生的事。早期版本的部分內容名為《1805 年》,於1865 年至 1867 年在《俄羅斯信使》上連載[1][2]。小說全文後於 1869 年完整出版。它將虛構敘事與歷史和哲學章節相融合,被認為是托爾斯泰最傑出的文學成就,至今仍是享譽國際的世界文學經典之一[3][4][5]



  • 《戰爭與和平》,紀彩讓譯,臺北志文出版,1985年
  • 《戰爭與和平》,蕭逢年譯,臺北志文出版,2000年

中文譯本[編輯]  黑體字,台灣版

  • 《戰爭與和平》,郭沫若譯,上海光明書局,1925年10月
  • 《戰爭與和平》,高植譯,上海文化生活,1931年
  • 《戰爭與和平》,郭沫若、高地譯,上海駱駝書店,1948年8月
  • 《戰爭與和平》,童錫梁譯,臺北世界書局,1957年5月
  • 《戰爭與和平》,王元鑫譯,臺北新興書局,1957年5月
  • 《戰爭與和平》,逸康節譯,臺北淡江書局,1957年
  • 《戰爭與和平》,高植譯,新文藝出版社,1957年
  • 《戰爭與和平》,羅娜編譯,臺北東方出版,1958年
  • 《戰爭與和平》,顏瑾譯,臺南標準書局,1968年
  • 《戰爭與和平》,黃文範譯,臺北遠景出版,1981年3月
  • 《戰爭與和平》,紀彩讓譯,臺北志文出版,1985年
  • 《戰爭與和平》,李而已譯,廣州市新世紀出版社,1990年
  • 《戰爭與和平》,子冉譯,臺北業強出版,1994年
  • 《戰爭與和平》,劉遼逸譯,人民文學出版,1997年12月
  • 《戰爭與和平》,劉遼逸譯,臺北光復書局,1998年
  • 《戰爭與和平》,草嬰譯,臺北貓頭鷹出版,1999年
  • 《戰爭與和平》,蕭逢年譯,臺北志文出版,2000年
  • 《戰爭與和平》,夏麗譯,上海人民美術出版社,2001年3月
  • 《戰爭與和平》,周煜山譯,北京燕山出版社,2001年12月
  • 《戰爭與和平》,張捷譯,譯林出版社,2003年1月
  • 《戰爭與和平》(托爾斯泰小說全集1-4冊),草嬰譯,上海文藝出版社,2004年8月
  • 《戰爭與和平》,董秋思譯,中國人民大學出版社,2004年
  • 《戰爭與和平》,喬振緒譯,灕江出版社,2013年11月


English translations[edit]

War and Peace has been translated into many languages. It has been translated into English on several occasions, starting with Clara Bell working from a French translation. The translators Constance Garnett and Aylmer and Louise Maude knew Tolstoy personally. Translations have to deal with Tolstoy's often peculiar syntax and his fondness for repetitions. Only about 2 percent of War and Peace is in French; Tolstoy removed the French in a revised 1873 edition, only to restore it later.[14] Most translators follow Garnett retaining some French; Briggs and Shubin use no French, while Pevear-Volokhonsky and Amy Mandelker's revision of the Maude translation both retain the French fully.[14]

List of English translations[edit]

(Translators listed.)

Full translations:

Abridged translation:

Translation of draft of 1863:

  • Andrew Bromfield (HarperCollins, 2007). Approx. 400 pages shorter than English translations of the finished novel

Comparing translations[edit]

In the Encyclopedia of Literary Translation into English, academic Zoja Pavlovskis-Petit has this to say about the translations of War and Peace available in 2000: "Of all the translations of War and Peace, Dunnigan's (1968) is the best. ... Unlike the other translators, Dunnigan even succeeds with many characteristically Russian folk expressions and proverbs. ... She is faithful to the text and does not hesitate to render conscientiously those details that the uninitiated may find bewildering: for instance, the statement that Boris's mother pronounced his name with a stress on the o – an indication to the Russian reader of the old lady's affectation."

On the Garnett translation Pavlovskis-Petit writes: "her ...War and Peace is frequently inexact and contains too many anglicisms. Her style is awkward and turgid, very unsuitable for Tolstoi." On the Maudes' translation she comments: "this should have been the best translation, but the Maudes' lack of adroitness in dealing with Russian folk idiom, and their style in general, place this version below Dunnigan's." She further comments on Edmonds's revised translation, formerly on Penguin: "[it] is the work of a sound scholar but not the best possible translator; it frequently lacks resourcefulness and imagination in its use of English. ... a respectable translation but not on the level of Dunnigan or Maude."[39]