Sunday, November 4, 2018

THE LIFE OF SAMUEL JOHNSON 是群英記《約翰生傳》;《懷德海對話錄》

150 《約翰生傳》. 包斯威爾, James Boswell. 志文出版社有限公司


“He had no settled plan of life, nor looked forward at all, but merely lived from day to day. Yet he read a great deal in a desultory manner, without any scheme of study, as chance threw books in his way, and inclination directed him through them.”
―from THE LIFE OF SAMUEL JOHNSON by James Boswell
The most celebrated English biography is a group portrait in which extraordinary man paints the picture of a dozen more. At the centre of a brilliant circle which included Burke, Reynolds, Garrick, Fanny Burney and even George III, Boswell captures the powerful, troubled and witty figure of Samuel Johnson, who towers above them all. Yet this is also an intimate picture of domestic life, which mingles the greatest talkers of a talkative age with the hero’s humbler friends in a picture which is, before all things, humane.
As a young man about London, James Boswell was obsessed by literature, and, on a fateful day in 1763, he attached himself with unswerving tenacity to the dominant literary figure of his age—the splendidly rotund, articulate, and humane Dr Samuel Johnson. What followed was the most famous of friendships between writers and the bais for the remarkable documentation contained in Boswell’s Life of Samuel Johnson, the greatest and most compelling of all biographies.

Aug 28, 2005 - 簡談『約翰生傳』兩翻譯本之品質 『約翰生行述』(Life of Johnson by Bowswell)人稱為傳記之最,至今沒全譯本。 昔日讀王增澄《拉塞拉斯》(遼寧教育 ...


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