Thursday, July 25, 2024










死后 魯迅
死之默想 周作人
「無限之生」的界線 冰心
人死觀 梁遇春
忘形 馮至
了生死 梁實秋
論不免一死 林語堂
關於死的反思 蕭乾
說死以及自殺情死之類 郁達夫
死的聯想 孟東籬
死的智慧 蔣子龍
與靈魂約會 張潔
渡向彼岸 舒婷
三死 鄭振鐸
悲慘的余剩 川島
看墳人 李健吾
勞生之舟 師陀
生死 柯靈
三過鬼門關 蕭乾
死亡,你不要驕傲 余光中
傷逝 台靜農
名人之死 殘雪
最后的一天 許廣平
給亡婦 朱自清
懷念蕭珊 巴金
祖父死了的時候 蕭紅
我的祖母之死 徐志摩
不死 孫福熙
不死鳥 三毛
哭小弟 宗璞
我對於喪禮的改革 胡適

Monday, July 15, 2024

徐進夫;鈴木大拙 (1870-1966):《禪天禪地》《禪門公案秘傳》《耶教與佛教的神秘教》《鈴木大拙禪論集-歷史發展》《流浪者之歌(悉達求道記)》等等





梁國淦;新潮.鈴木.我 | Voicettank | 思想坦克
和「新潮」的再次邂逅要到大三了。在物理系遇上撞牆期的我,放下了系上課程,在文學院流浪。因為難得的機緣,我聽了一堂錢新祖教授短期來訪開設的中國思想史。 名為中國思想史,但似乎是因應學長的犀利要求,錢老師.....


2004/9/20 上午10點半到45分,日本NHK播「鈴木大拙 (1870-1966)」的介紹和訪談。雖然聽不懂,不過從字幕的說明,可以了解大意。

我利用GOOGLE 搜索得11頁,大略歸類一下先生的翻譯:以「諸宗教、文學」為主。就某層次而言,他一生的許多心血,似乎都隨風飄逝了;或者變成讀者的一些感受。

我們幾年前有個讀書會,由杜文仁先生主講赫塞(Hermann Hesse)的《玻璃珠遊戲》(Das Glasperlenspiel)。我們約比較台灣大陸的四種翻譯本,文彩以徐先生的最好(雖然他可能從英文轉譯)。

Hermann Hesse,《流浪者之歌(悉達求道記)》

SIDDHARTHA - FULL AudioBook - by Hermann Hesse - Buddhist Religion & Spirituality Novel 
約翰.坎尼(Canniny, J)編《世界名著導讀100本》(徐進夫、宋碧雲譯)
霍甫曼著《禪門公案秘傳: 隻手之聲》1983/1985……..

(以上志文出版社   新潮文庫.)。

此外還有《文學欣賞與批評》(幼獅文化事業公司)。《禪與英國文學》(Zen in English Literature and Oriental Classics)(台北:幼獅,1988)。Oscar Wilde(1854-1900)《格雷的畫像》(The Picture of Dorian Gray)(晨鐘);托爾斯泰等《死的滋味

華爾希著(Rev. Vincent M. Walsh)《天主教神恩復興運動》天主教文物服務中心

蓮花生大士著《西藏度亡經》、Freud, Siegmund著《摩西與一神教》、麥克劉德著《卡盧仁波切行傳》…….


Friday, July 12, 2024



作者:采和建築師/鄭采和    出版社:時報出版    



























  如果在谷歌上搜尋「停止謀殺兒童運動」(Stopde Kindermoord)的荷蘭文關鍵字,你會發現一個拍攝於一九七二年舊水管街區的珍貴影片。一開始的片頭,你會看到有別於現今舊水管區到處是自行車及街角公園的都市景觀。那時街區裡到處是汽車,而片中的男孩羅納德.達姆(Ronald Dam)則在街上行走,邊走邊想,越想則越不爽:「為什麼我們越來越不能在街上玩球呢?」他看著鏡頭問。片中記錄了很多當時想安心在街頭玩耍的兒童請求家長及住民加入「停止謀殺兒童運動」的聯署,也能看到第一代「生活型街道」的街道設計及車輛改道的討論。最後影片則停留在孩童詢問老師們政府什麼時候會回應時的天真臉龐,相當觸動人心。







  基督教民主黨(英:Christian Democrats)仍然表示反對,覺得這是一個瘋狂的政策。他們表態認為這樣大張旗鼓的宣揚性產業也未免太誇張了,市政府竟然將性產業當成一個「迪士尼」來經營。代表勞工權益的D66黨則說,這樣的政策完全沒有解決在市中心櫥窗內工作的小姐們的困境,新的「性專區」複合型大樓將提供的是過高的櫥窗租金跟中產化的經營模式,會使得年老的小姐們租不起櫥窗、被產業淘汰,失去工作權的保障。妓權團體PIC則表態,說這樣的集中化管理將使得性工作者及嫖客被標籤化,無法與舊城區混雜的產業及社區調合,性產業應該是生活的一部分,而不該被推擠到城市的郊區,那些看不到的地方。



1968年拍攝的阿姆斯特丹紅燈區一位名叫Parijse Leen的櫥窗女郎



Thursday, July 11, 2024


 The Beinecke Rare Book Library at Yale University was designed in 1963 by Modernist architect Gordon Bunshaft of SOM. For the building's sunken courtyard, Bunshaft commissioned sculptor Isamu Noguchi to create a three-piece "landscape" containing a circle, a pyramid, and a corner-balancing cube — which references the sun, the earth, and chance. (Photo: Ezra Stoller, 1964) #yaleuniversity #Noguchi #modernsculpture


 "The Cossacks" is a short novel by Leo Tolstoy, originally published in 1863 in the popular literary magazine The Russian Messenger. It was initially titled "Young Manhood" and is believed to be somewhat autobiographical. The story follows the experiences of Olenin, a young Russian aristocrat who joins the army and finds himself in a Cossack village during the Caucasian War (1817-1864). The novel explores themes such as the purpose of life, the nature of happiness, and the contrast between the truth of primitive rural life and the sophisticated culture of Russian urban society.

Tolstoy's "The Cossacks" has been praised for its energy, poetry, and philosophical insight, foreshadowing the great themes of his later masterpieces. The novel provides a compelling portrayal of Olenin's disillusionment with his privileged existence in Moscow and his quest for a simpler life among the Cossacks. It delves into Olenin's experiences as he strives to adopt the rough and ready lifestyle of the local Cossacks and falls in love with a free-spirited girl, leading to a gripping narrative set in pre-revolutionary Russia.

Overall, "The Cossacks" offers a captivating exploration of personal and cultural themes, showcasing Tolstoy's literary prowess and his ability to weave compelling narratives that resonate with readers.


You can also get the audio book for FREE using the same link. Use the link to register for the audio book on Audible and start enjoying it.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

文庫本轉他出版社出版。史懷哲的心靈世界(野村實醫師 邱信典牧師翻譯 陳五福博士校訂 )雅歌 1997等

 玩具手槍 收入 十五篇小說 洪範 1979 

未來衝擊 九零年代等收入 時報文化


高橋功醫師 史懷哲言論集 


Sunday, July 7, 2024

魏淑貞、黃哲斌、秦賢次等 人談張清吉2023










允晨出版這本《 #張清吉文集 》,非常有意義及價值。除了向出版前輩張先生致敬,也為台灣早期的出版文化史,留下一頁典範與傳奇。謝謝允晨及志峰。





秦賢次 (現代文學史料研究者) 談其帶張清吉金先生



“The majority of men... are not capable of thinking, but only of believing, and... are not accessible to reason, but only to authority.”

— Arthur Schopenhauer

A Clean Well-Lighted Place. "The Snows of Kilimanjaro."海明威:《勝利者一無所獲》《沒有女人的男人》《老人與海》《尼克的故事》《海明威短篇傑作選》;《海明威傳》 Martha Gellhorn 缺失落的一代

War is no longer made by simply analyzed economic forces if it ever was. War is made or planned now by individual men, demagogues and dictators who play on the patriotism of their people to mislead them into a belief in the great fallacy of war when all their vaunted reforms have failed to satisfy the people they misrule. ~Ernest Hemingway

(Book: Hemingway on War [ad])

(Art: Photograph of Hemingway by Kurt Hutton)


  'You have youth, confidence, and a job, ' the older waiter said. 'You have everything.'

'And what do you lack?'
'Everything but work.'
'You have everything I have.'
'No. I have never had confidence and I am not young.'
'Come on. Stop talking nonsense and lock up.'
'I am those who like to stay late in the cafe', the older waiter said. 'With all those who do not want to go to bed. With all those who need a light for the night.'
---A Clean Well-Lighted Place,
Ernest Hemingway
I still remember in the Creative Writing Program from the University of Iowa this was the first story we need to read and analyze.
The sheer brilliance of Hemingway's art of stripping language to the bare minimum with all details reaching the depth. The use of dialogues and to portray pictures of the night with the shadow of the leaves on the table in contrast to the light that the waiters speak of.
I perhaps read this fifteen times. Yesterday I read it again in this marvelous Vintage Hemingway edition of "The Essential Hemingway."
I rank this story as Hemingway's best after a near novella "The Snows of Kilimanjaro."

羅曼·羅蘭原著《約翰·克利斯朵夫》(傅雷譯)是我初二讀的第一本大河小說。約45年過去,看到《約翰·克利斯朵夫》(濃縮本),梁祥美譯,台北:志文,2004(49幅由 F. 馬塞瑞爾畫的插圖)。

海明威/著 志文出版社

226 《勝利者一無所獲》14篇
227 《沒有女人的男人》14篇
228 《老人與海》
242 《尼克的故事》

Ernest Hemingway: A Life Story: Carlos Baker: 

258   洛斯·貝克( Carlos Baker )著,楊耐冬譯,《海明威傳》,臺北:志文出版社 ,1981
本書對第3任太太Martha Gellhorn的記載,約只2頁篇幅 ,pp.305~06:

385 《海明威短篇傑作選》,作者:海明威,出版社:,志文,1997/2000

GELLHORN: A Twentieth Century Life
Caroline Moorehead, Author . Holt $27.50 (480p) ISBN 978-0-8050-6553-4


H Martha Gellhorn (1908–1998) was a woman of enormous accomplishment. Writer and journalist, she covered the major international conflicts of her lifetime, from the Spanish civil war to Vietnam, managed to land on Omaha Beach shortly after D-Day, entered Dachau a few days after it was liberated, observed the Nuremberg trials and, in the course of a long life, visited and wrote about most of the areas of the world. But she was a woman working in a man's world and, as the subtitle of Moorehead's first-rate biography reminds us, hers was a 20th century life, filled with all the contradictions between private and public existence experienced by most achieving women of her generation. As her first husband, Ernest Hemingway, put it before their acrimonious divorce, "Are you a war correspondent or wife in my bed?" a question Gellhorn finally answered by leaving him. As Moorehead shows, Gellhorn, at once tough and vulnerable, was surefooted in her professional life and capable of enduring friendships with people as varied as Eleanor Roosevelt, Robert Capa (some of whose photos are included) and Leonard Bernstein. Her intimate life was another matter, with both her marriages and her numerous affairs all ending in tears. Moorehead, the author of well-received biographies of Iris Origo and Bertrand Russell, was a friend of Gellhorn's, but the affection and admiration she feels for her subject (to whose papers she had exclusive access) does not prevent her from providing a vivid, balanced and fascinating portrait of a "woman who was oddly deaf to the intonations of feminism," and yet who paid a price for her independent spirit. 16 pages of b&w photos not seen by PW. Agent, Clare Alexander. (Oct. 1)






John Steinbeck(史坦貝克 1902~1968 )《憤怒的葡萄 “The Grapes of Wrath" (1939),》志文出版社新潮世界名著 2 ,1999. "for his realistic and imaginative writings, combining as they do sympathetic humour and keen social perception." “All the goodness and the heroisms will rise up again, then be cut down again and rise up. It isn’t that the evil thing wins — it never will — but that it doesn’t die.” Steinbeck's

 “All the goodness and the heroisms will rise up again, then be cut down again and rise up. It isn’t that the evil thing wins — it never will — but that it doesn’t die.” On Steinbeck's birthday,

《憤怒的葡萄》新潮世界名著 2   楊耐冬譯(他是志文出版社大譯家)此書導讀近40頁。缺點是圖片多為Ford 電影照 1982年定價才二百多一點
John Steinbeck( 1902~1968 )。吳魯芹的「餘年集」訪史坦貝克故居:現在,無法維持此清一色菜湯啦.......

"In the souls of the people the grapes of wrath are filling and growing heavy, growing heavy for the vintage." ....
Born 119 years ago today, 27th February 1902, , "a giant of American letters,". .... Read more below

史坦貝克(John Ernst Steinbeck)





27 February, 1902
Steinbeck also won a Pullitzer Prize for “The Grapes of Wrath" (1939), which is widely considered his masterpiece and the most famous of his 27 books.
Other notable works include the comic novels “Tortilla Flat” (1935) and “Cannery Row” (1945), the multi-generation epic “East of Eden" (1952), famously made into the 1955 film "East of Eden" by director Elia Kazan, starring James Dean, Julie Harris, Richard Davalos, Raymond Massey, Jo Van Fleet, and Burl Ives, and the novellas "Of Mice and Men" (1937) and "The Red Pony" (1937).

“A writer and his work is and should be like a surly dog with a bone, suspicious of everyone, trusting no one, loving no one. It’s hard to justify such a life but that’s the way it is if it is done well.” - John Steinbeck John Steinbeck (1902-1968), born in Salinas, California, came from a family of moderate means. He worked his way through college at Stanford University but never graduated. In 1925 he went to New York, where he tried for a few years to establish himself as a free-lance writer, but he failed and returned to California. In 1959 he suffered a stroke, in 1960 he had a suspected heart attack. At the end of his life, he was poleaxed by a back injury that required complicated surgery. As fate would have it, an injury to a stranger was one of the decisive factors in pushing Steinbeck towards full-time writing. Steinbeck often populated his stories with struggling characters; his works examined the lives of the working class and migrant workers during the Dust Bowl and the Great Depression. His later work reflected his wide range of interests, including marine biology, politics, religion, history and mythology.


Topic :-
"The Grapes of Wrath" by John Steinbeck.
1) Introduction :-
"The Grapes of Wrath" by John Steinbeck is a classic novel published in 1939. Set during the Great Depression, it follows the Joad family's journey from the Dust Bowl of Oklahoma to California in search of a better life. The novel explores themes of poverty, social injustice, and the resilience of the human spirit. Steinbeck's powerful portrayal of the struggles faced by migrant workers earned him the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction in 1940.
2) Summary :-
"The Grapes of Wrath" is a novel that tells the story of the Joad family, farmers in Oklahoma who are displaced by the Dust Bowl during the Great Depression. The family, led by Tom Joad, embarks on a journey to California in search of a promised land. The narrative captures their hardships, encounters with exploitation, and the erosion of their dreams.
As the Joads travel west, they confront both natural and human-made obstacles. They encounter systemic injustice, as big corporations exploit migrant workers, leading to impoverished living conditions. Tom Joad becomes increasingly aware of the social and economic inequalities, and the novel delves into themes of collective action and social change.
The character of Jim Casy, a former preacher turned philosopher, plays a crucial role in the narrative, advocating for the strength of the collective and challenging established societal norms. The Joads' struggles reflect the broader challenges faced by many during the Depression era.
Steinbeck's writing captures the desperation of the time, portraying the endurance of the human spirit amid adversity. "The Grapes of Wrath" remains a poignant critique of social injustice and a testament to the resilience of individuals in the face of hardship.
3) Critical analysis :-
"The Grapes of Wrath" is hailed as a masterpiece for its profound exploration of social and economic issues during the Great Depression. Steinbeck's narrative is a searing critique of the American capitalist system, exposing the exploitation faced by migrant workers and the profound inequalities ingrained in society.
**1. Socioeconomic Critique:**
- Steinbeck vividly portrays the impact of the Dust Bowl and economic collapse on the Joad family, making a broader statement about the struggles of the working class.
- The novel critiques the ruthlessness of large corporations and the agricultural industry, depicting how they exploit labor for profit.
**2. Human Dignity and Dehumanization:**
- The Joads' journey reveals the dehumanizing effects of poverty and displacement, emphasizing the erosion of dignity in the face of systemic injustice.
- Steinbeck explores the theme of humanity's interconnectedness, arguing that the degradation of one individual affects the collective human experience.
**3. Symbolism and Allegory:**
- The title, "The Grapes of Wrath," draws from "The Battle Hymn of the Republic" and serves as a symbolic representation of both anger and the resilience of the human spirit against oppression.
- Characters like Tom Joad and Jim Casy embody larger archetypes, contributing to the novel's allegorical nature and social commentary.
**4. Collective Action and Solidarity:**
- The novel advocates for collective action and solidarity as a means to combat injustice. Tom Joad's transformation from an individualistic mindset to a more communal perspective underscores this theme.
- The formation of migrant worker camps becomes a symbol of resistance and communal support against exploitative practices.
**5. Biblical Allusions:**
- Steinbeck incorporates biblical imagery and allusions, drawing parallels between the Joads' journey and the biblical exodus. This adds depth to the narrative, reinforcing the idea of endurance and hope amid adversity.
**6. Impact on Society:**
- "The Grapes of Wrath" had a significant impact on society, sparking discussions about labor rights, social justice, and the plight of the disenfranchised.
- However, it also faced criticism and censorship for its perceived socialist undertones, highlighting the controversial nature of its critique.
In essence, "The Grapes of Wrath" stands as a powerful work that goes beyond storytelling, delving into the heart of societal issues, and challenging readers to confront the harsh realities of the American experience during a tumultuous period in history.

Restoring Your Past - Photo Restoration by Grant Kemp
2月27日下午4:42 ·

Born 119 years ago today, 27th February 1902, John Ernst Steinbeck Jr. was an American author. He won the 1962 Nobel Prize in Literature "for his realistic and imaginative writings, combining as they do sympathetic humour and keen social perception." He has been called "a giant of American letters," and many of his works are considered classics of Western literature.
During his writing career, he authored 27 books, including 16 novels, six non-fiction books, and two collections of short stories. He is widely known for the comic novels Tortilla Flat (1935) and Cannery Row (1945), the multi-generation epic East of Eden (1952), and the novellas Of Mice and Men (1937) and The Red Pony (1937). The Pulitzer Prize-winning The Grapes of Wrath (1939) is considered Steinbeck's masterpiece and part of the American literary canon. In the first 75 years after it was published, it sold 14 million copies.
Most of Steinbeck's work is set in central California, particularly in the Salinas Valley and the California Coast Ranges region. His works frequently explored the themes of fate and injustice, especially as applied to downtrodden or everyman protagonists.
Cup of Gold ....
Steinbeck's first novel, Cup of Gold, published in 1929, is loosely based on the life and death of privateer Henry Morgan. It centers on Morgan's assault and sacking of the city of Panama, sometimes referred to as the 'Cup of Gold', and on the women, fairer than the sun, who were said to be found there.
Tortilla Flat .....
Steinbeck achieved his first critical success with Tortilla Flat (1935), a novel set in post-war Monterey, California, that won the California Commonwealth Club's Gold Medal. It portrays the adventures of a group of classless and usually homeless young men in Monterey after World War I, just before U.S. prohibition.
Of Mice and Men ....
The drama about the dreams of two migrant agricultural laborers in California. It was critically acclaimed and Steinbeck's 1962 Nobel Prize citation called it a "little masterpiece". Its stage production was a hit, starring Wallace Ford as George and Broderick Crawford as George's companion, the mentally childlike, but physically powerful itinerant farmhand Lennie. Steinbeck refused to travel from his home in California to attend any performance of the play during its New York run, telling director George S. Kaufman that the play as it existed in his own mind was "perfect" and that anything presented on stage would only be a disappointment.
The Grapes of Wrath ....
Steinbeck followed this wave of success with The Grapes of Wrath (1939), based on newspaper articles about migrant agricultural workers that he had written in San Francisco. It is commonly considered his greatest work. According to The New York Times, it was the best-selling book of 1939 and 430,000 copies had been printed by February 1940. In that month, it won the National Book Award, favorite fiction book of 1939, voted by members of the American Booksellers Association. Later that year, it won the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction, and was adapted as a film directed by John Ford, starring Henry Fonda as Tom Joad; Fonda was nominated for the best actor Academy Award.
John Steinbeck died in New York City on December 20, 1968, of heart disease and congestive heart failure. The day after Steinbeck's death in New York City, reviewer Charles Poore wrote in The New York Times: "John Steinbeck's first great book was his last great book. But Good Lord, what a book that was and is: The Grapes of Wrath."
This is my colourised version of a darkly toned portrait taken in 1935, by Sonya Noskowiak, but I have posted the original untouched image within the comments.


大讚蔬菜湯 (只提供此)......

John Steinbeck’s birthplace and boyhood home is a restored Queen Anne style Victorian built in 1897.  The Steinbeck family purchased the home in 1900 and raised their family there.  It was purchased by The Valley Guild in 1973.  It is now a charming restaurant serving lunch Tuesday through Saturday located two blocks west of the National Steinbeck Center at 132 Central Avenue in Salinas and also features a gift shop, The Best Cellar.
The Valley Guild was formed by eight enthusiastic women who shared a common interest in gourmet cooking and wanted to showcase the Salinas Valley produce.  The Valley Guild renovated and restored the house after purchasing it.  It was opened to the public as a restaurant on February 27, 1974 – the 72nd anniversary of John Steinbeck’s birth.

Featured Menu Items

  • Lemon Bundt CakeWith locally grown fresh strawberries and whipped cream.
  • Chicken Apple BrieLarge salad with grilled chicken breast, apples and Brie cheese. Served with basil vinaigrette.
  • Chicken BundlesChicken breast, tarragon cream sauce wrapped in philo dough and baked to a golden brown. Served with rice and vegetables.

"When I asked one person, 'Do you wish you accomplished more?' He responded, 'No, I wished I loved more.'"
A popular theory about happiness claims we experience it most in youth and old age, with a dip in the middle for "middle-age-misery." My interviews with 90-somethings paint a very different picture.


The Log from the Sea of Cortez – John Steinbeck's forgotten masterpiece about a marine biology expedition in the middle of WWII, at heart a story about hope, wonder, and the nature of knowledge


Nobel Prize
"Literature is as old as speech. It grew out of a human need for it, and it has not changed except to become more needed."
In 1962, John Steinbeck was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature. The author of 'East of Eden', 'Grapes of Wrath' and numerous short stories was awarded the literature prize "for his realistic and imaginative writings, combining as they do sympathetic humour and keen social perception."
On 5 October, this year's literature laureate(s) will be announced - you will be able to receive all updates here.

作者:史坦貝克; 原文作者:John Steinbeck; 譯者:楊耐冬; 出版社:志文出版社. 語言:繁體中文; ISBN:9789575453343; 頁數:632 頁; 出版日期:1999/04/01. 內容簡介.

史坦貝克John Steinbeck; 出版社:業強. 語言:繁體中文; ISBN:9789576836541; 頁數 ... 可惜在圖書館找到的不是志文的版本XD因為上一本是他的俄羅斯記行,所以幾乎是用上 ...