Wednesday, October 4, 2023

《新潮文庫》創辦人張清吉辭世 享壽91歲《巴黎的憂鬱 》 胡品清譯 1973 王文興 (1939~2023) 2002讚美有加。莫渝譯:《法國十九世紀詩選》、《惡之華》、《異鄉人》

《巴黎的憂鬱 》 胡品清譯  1973 

再說一次: 王文興 (1939~2023) 的「文學的歡樂與煩惱」《小說墨餘》「......散文主要就是音樂。...... 音樂,或亦謂風格可也。........」(2002)佳作多、感人

 胡品清譯《巴黎的憂鬱 》讚美有加 2023. 10.5


        (莫渝 譯,一九七九年11月,志文出版社新潮文庫二二二)


波特萊爾(Baudelaire, 1821-1867)

法.波特萊爾. 翻譯:莫渝. 書名:《惡之華》、《惡之花》. 出版社:志文出版社,新潮世界名著. 出版年:1985年九月初版. 

Everyman's Library
"The Vampire's Metamorphoses" by Charles Baudelaire
The woman meanwhile, twisting like a snake
On hot coals and kneading her breasts against the steel
Of her corset, from her mouth red as strawberries
Let flow these words impregnated with musk:
— "I, I have moist lips, and I know the art
Of losing old Conscience in the depths of a bed.
I dry all tears on my triumphant breasts
And make old men laugh with the laughter of children.
I replace, for him who sees me nude, without veils,
The moon, the sun, the stars and the heavens!
I am, my dear scholar, so learned in pleasure
That when I smother a man in my fearful arms,
Or when, timid and licentious, frail and robust,
I yield my bosom to biting kisses
On those two soft cushions which swoon with emotion,
The powerless angels would damn themselves for me!"
When she had sucked out all the marrow from my bones
And I languidly turned toward her
To give back an amorous kiss, I saw no more
Than a wine-skin with gluey sides, all full of pus!
Frozen with terror, I closed both my eyes,
And when I opened them to the bright light,
At my side, instead of the robust manikin
Who seemed to have laid in a store of blood,
There quivered confusedly a heap of old bones,
Which of themselves gave forth the cry of a weather-cock
Or of a sign on the end of an iron rod
That the wind swings to and fro on a winter night.
This selection of poems from across the ages brings to life a staggering array of zombies, ghosts, vampires, and devils. Our culture's current obsession with zombies and vampires is only the latest form of a fascination with crossing the boundary between the living and the dead that has haunted humans since we first began writing. The poetic evidence gathered here ranges from ancient Egyptian inscriptions and the Mesopotamian epic Gilgamesh to the Greek bard Homer, and from Shakespeare and Milton and Keats to Emily Dickinson and Edgar Allan Poe. Here too are terrifying apparitions from a host of more recent poets, from T. S. Eliot and Sylvia Plath to Rita Dove and Billy Collins, from Allen Ginsberg and H. P. Lovecraft to Mick Jagger and Shel Silverstein. The result is a delightfully entertaining volume of spine-tingling poems for fans of horror and poetry both. READ an excerpt here:


《新潮文庫》創辦人張清吉辭世 享壽91歲
出版時間:2018/10/04 21:50







2017年10月19日 ·
波特萊爾(Baudelaire, 1821-1867)

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