Friday, October 27, 2023

沙特Jean-Paul Sartre 在新潮文庫、American Prometheus: The Triumph and Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer 2005

 American Prometheus: The Triumph and Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer 索引中有沙特,查一下可能有意外....




榆樹鎮上:三浦朱門、曾野綾子印象 (殷允芃 中國人的光輝及其他:當代名人訪問錄 )


“There may be more beautiful times, but this one is ours.” Jean-Paul Sartre

 Jean-Paul Sartre,1905.6.21—1980.4.15。沙爾特的時代..... each individual must create meaning for his or her own life, because life itself had no innate meaning.

This day in history 1964: Jean-Paul Sartre wins and declines Nobel Prize in Literature
On October 22, 1964, Jean-Paul Sartre is awarded the Nobel Prize for literature, which he declines.
In his novels, essays, and plays, Sartre advanced the philosophy of existentialism, arguing that each individual must create meaning for his or her own life, because life itself had no innate meaning.
Sartre studied at the elite École Normale Supérieure between 1924 and 1929. He met Simone de Beauvoir, who became his lifelong companion, during this time. The pair spent countless hours in cafés, talking, writing, and drinking coffee. Sartre became a philosophy professor and taught in Le Havre, Laon, and Paris. In 1938, his first novel, Nausea, was published-the narrative took the form of a diary of a cafÉ-haunting intellectual. In 1939, he was drafted into World War II, taken prisoner, and held for about a year; he later fought with the French Resistance.
In 1943, he published one of his key works, Being and Nothingness, where he argued that man is condemned to freedom and has a social responsibility. Sartre and Beauvoir engaged in social movements, supporting communism and the radical student uprisings in Paris in 1968.
Also in 1943, he wrote one of his best-known plays, The Flies, followed by Huis Clos (No Exit) in 1945. In 1945, he began a four-volume novel called The Roads to Freedom but gave up the novel form after finishing the third volume in 1949. In 1946, he continued to develop his philosophy in Existentialism and Humanism.
In the 1950s and 60s, he devoted himself to studies of literary figures like Baudelaire, Jean Genet, and Flaubert. The Family Idiot, his work on Flaubert, was massive, but only three of four volumes were published. Sartre’s health and vision declined in his later years, and he died in 1980.
可能是 1 人和讀書的圖像


沙特(Jean-Paul Charles Aymard Sartre)




節自 評論雜誌《現代》之創刊辭


Jean-Paul Sartre, a Marxist existentialist philosopher and writer who won the Nobel Prize for Literature, described the trial as

"a legal lynching which smears with blood a whole nation. By killing the Rosenbergs, you have quite simply tried to halt the progress of science by human sacrifice. Magic, witch-huntsautos-da-fé, sacrifices – we are here getting to the point: your country is sick with fear ... you are afraid of the shadow of your own bomb."[34]


《無所不談》有兩篇關於法國明星 Brigitte Bardot  (碧姬芭杜):、〈論碧姬芭杜的頭髮〉。

林語堂是/屬大師級,〈從碧姬芭杜小姐說起〉一文,碧姬芭杜是引言,主要開始介紹存在主義大師沙特 (林譯:薩爾忒Jean-Paul Sartre,接下專篇〈說薩爾忒〉


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