Friday, October 6, 2023

志文版 Honoré Daumier (French, 1808–1879) 漢清講堂193 法國藝術家杜米埃(Honoré Daumier) 2017-09-18 'The Burden', the drawing under the name 'Chair in the Orchestra Stalls',


志文版  Honoré Daumier (French, 1808–1879)   漢清講堂193 法國藝術家杜米埃(Honoré Daumier) 2017-09-18 'The Burden', the drawing under the name 'Chair in the Orchestra Stalls',

Honoré Daumier 這幅說巴黎公社的"遺產",死傷慘重。

193 法國藝術家杜米埃(Honoré Daumier) 2017-09-18 漢清講堂


Honoré Daumier 5分鐘




Honoré Daumier (French, 1808–1879) オノレ・ドーミエ

{杜米埃:諷刺漫畫大師}DAUMIER,廖瓊芳著, 台北:藝術家,2000/ 河北教育出版社,2001

杜米埃從事版畫創作時,正值法國政局波濤洶湧之際,他發表一系列政治諷刺漫畫,旨在諷刺 、批評當時的君王政體,也為他招致牢獄之災。不能畫政治諷刺漫畫之後,杜米埃改畫插畫、幽默的風俗畫,少了政治的辛辣,多了對市井小民真摰的關懷,同樣極受歡迎。



目錄 · · · · · · 諷刺漫畫大師――杜米埃的生涯與藝術(廖瓊芳著) 貧苦上進的童年 成為版畫家及民主共和的鬥士 版畫史上最偉大的藝術家 喜愛系列創作 悲慘淒涼的晚年 驚人的雕塑天分 從不開口的議員的胸像雕塑 講個不停的議員的胸像雕塑 共和派擁護的議員的胸像雕塑 最有寓意的雕塑作品《逃亡者》 他真正的願望是成為畫家 無法如期完成大畫 寧靜、溫馨具神秘感的畫作 謎一般的特性 眾所公認的素描才華 給他應有的地位與榮耀 杜米埃的雕塑作品欣賞 杜米埃的版畫作品欣賞 杜米埃年譜

National Gallery of Art

Happy birthday to Honoré Daumier, born on this day in 1808. Daumier was self-taught as a painter, and his style has many characteristics of the graphic media in which he trained. Daumier is best known for political cartoons and humorous caricatures satirizing contemporary life. His paintings reveal a more serious examination of the human condition.

In "Wandering Saltimbanques," the artist depicts itinerant street musicians and acrobats without ridicule, revealing the poverty and isolation of their offstage lives. What emotions seem to be expressed in this work of art?

Honoré Daumier, "Wandering Saltimbanques," 1847/1850, oil on wood, National Gallery of Art, Washington, Chester Dale Collection, 1963.10.14

The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

Happy birthday to Honoré Daumier, born on this day in 1808. As a graphic artist and painter, Daumier chronicled the impact of industrialization on modern urban life in mid-nineteenth-century Paris.
eatured Artwork of the Day: Honoré Daumier (French, 1808–1879) | The Third-Class Carriage | ca. 1862–64

Musée d'Orsay (officiel)

10th February 1879: death of Honoré Daumier, printmaker, caricaturist, painter, and sculptor...

Illustration :

Don Quixote and the dead mule, détail (1867)

Musée d'Orsay. Donation de la baronne Eva Gebhard-Gourgaud, 1965
© RMN-Grand Palais (Musée d'Orsay) / Hervé Lewandowski

IMAGE: Honoré Daumier (French, 1808–1879) | The Laundress | ca. 1863

Happy birthday to Honoré Daumier, born on this day in 1808. The escape that alcohol offered to the poor is typical of the social themes Daumier explored throughout his career.

Featured Artwork of the Day: Honoré Daumier (French, 1808–1879) | The Drinkers | by 1861


Honore Daumier-Nadar.jpg
奧諾雷·杜米埃(Honoré Daumier)(1808年2月26日-1879年2月10日)是法國著名畫家、諷刺漫畫家雕塑家版畫家。是當時最多產的藝術家。







Wikipedia article "Honoré Daumier".

Honoré Daumier (February 261808 – February 101879), was a French printmakercaricaturistpaintersculptor, and one of the most gifted and prolific draftsmen of his time.

Early life

Born in Marseille, Daumier showed in his youth an irresistible inclination towards the artistic profession, which his father vainly tried to check by placing him first with a huissier, and later, with a bookseller. Having mastered the techniques of lithography, Daumier began his artistic career by producing plates for music publishers, and illustrations for advertisements. This was followed by anonymous work for publishers, in which he emulated the style of Charlet and displayed considerable enthusiasm for the Napoleonic legend.

Published works

When, during the reign of Louis PhilippeCharles Philipon launched the comic journal, La Caricature, Daumier joined its staff, which included such powerful artists as DevériaRaffet and Grandville, and started upon his pictorial campaign of satire, targeting the foibles of the bourgeoisie, the corruption of the law and the incompetence of a blundering government. His caricature of the king as Gargantua led to Daumier's imprisonment for six months at Ste Pelagic in 1832. Soon after, the publication of La Caricature was discontinued, but Philipon provided a new field for Daumier's activity when he founded the Le Charivari.
Daumier produced his social caricatures for Le Charivari, in which he held bourgeois society up to ridicule in the figure of Robert Macaire, hero of a popular melodrama. In another series, L'histoire ancienne, he took aim at the constraining pseudo-classicism of the art of the period. In 1848 Daumier embarked again on his political campaign, still in the service of Le Charivari, which he left in 1860 and rejoined in 1864.


In addition to his prodigious activity in the field of caricature — the list of Daumier's lithographed plates compiled in 1904 numbers no fewer than 3,958 — he also painted. Except for the searching truthfulness of his vision and the powerful directness of his brushwork, it would be difficult to recognize the creator of Robert Macaire, of Les Bas bleusLes Bohémiens de Paris, and the Masques, in the paintings of Christ and His Apostles (Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam), or in his Good SamaritanDon Quixote and Sancho PanzaChrist Mocked, or even in the sketches in the Ionides Collection at South Kensington. As the paintings were never intended for public consumption, Daumier felt free to work in a vein that was personal rather than political. In their more munificent spirit the paintings are close to those of his friends Corot and Millet, though altogether more vigorous in handling.
The Imaginary Malady
The Imaginary Malady
As a painter, Daumier, one of the pioneers of naturalism, did not meet with success until a year before his death in 1878, when M. Durand-Ruel collected his works for exhibition at his galleries and demonstrated the range of the talent of the man who has been called the "Michelangelo of caricature". At the time of the exhibition, Daumier was blind and living in a cottage at Valmondois, which Corot placed at his disposal. It was there that he died.
An exhibition of his works was held at the École des Beaux-Arts in 1900.
Today, Daumier's works are found in many of the world's leading art museums, including the Louvre, the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Rijksmuseum. He is celebrated for a range of works, including a large number of paintings (29) and drawings (49) depicting the life of Don Quijote, a theme that fascinated him for the last part of his life.
Baudelaire noted of him: l'un des hommes les plus importants, je ne dirai pas seulement de la caricature, mais encore de l'art moderne. (One of the most important men, I will not say only of caricature, but further of modern art.)


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На четвёртом этаже Главного штаба открылась постоянная сменная экспозиция, посвящённая творчеству французского художника Оноре Домье. На ней представлены картина "Ноша", рисунок "Кресло в партере", а также 15 эстампов мастера.
The new permanent rotating exhibition of French artist Honoré Daumier opened on the third floor of the General Staff Building. On display is the painting entitled 'The Burden', the drawing under the name 'Chair in the Orchestra Stalls', and 15 prints.

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