Mesmerising night at London Sadler's Wells Theatre as Taiwan Cloud Gate took the stage to perform "Lunar Halo"! The breathtaking performance left the audience in awe - a true hit!
Dancers, drawn from 14 countries across Africa, rehearsing “Rite of Spring” at L’Ecole des Sables in Toubab Dialao, a fishing village outside of Dakar, Senegal, in November. Credit...Carmen Abd Ali for The New York Times
Pina Bausch’s ‘Rite of Spring’ Takes Root in Africa
A company of dancers from across Africa perform Bausch’s canonical work around the world. “I’ve always felt that this was an African dance,” said Germaine Acogny.
Dancers, drawn from 14 countries across Africa, rehearsing “Rite of Spring” at L’Ecole des Sables in Toubab Dialao, a fishing village outside of Dakar, Senegal, in November. Credit...Carmen Abd Ali for The New York Times
The production is an extraordinary transnational collaboration among the Pina Bausch Foundation; Sadler’s Wells in Britain; and the École des Sables, a dance school founded by Acogny in Toubab Dialao, a fishing village outside of Dakar, Senegal. It comes out of the foundation’s efforts to keep Bausch’s dances alive and bring them to an expanding circle of companies and audiences. Bausch died in 2009.
Stravinsky “春之祭” 與 交響詩“夜鶯之歌”–15ips母帶分享
演出版本: 1. Le Sacre du Printemps by Solti/CSO (1974); 2. Song of Nightingale by Reiner/CSO (1958)
感動我的 (38)人事物記憶:綠苔題詩 紅葉暖酒 謝志偉; 張錯;王溢嘉;張己任;西西。美國捐過剩蘋果給抗飢餓的慈善團體˙(hunger-fighting charities) . 鍾玉澄:《卓別林自傳》。卓別林與希特勒——光與影的纏鬥。(2024 莫迪領導的占主導地位的民族多數黨印度人民黨(BJP)......)。Yo-Yo Ma;Leonard Bernstein.... 日本人的跪坐 (Has Japan mastered sitting?) 一把柴刀闖山林 (劉克襄) 。稀有的"鮑伊龍蝦" (Bowie the lobster)。 做為王孝廉文章的讀者報告(《王孝廉紀念文集》第三部分 ):Sitting IN Japan; new film 'Maestro' Leonard Bernstein .....《石門》Stonewalling 夫妻檔(第60屆金馬獎 最佳劇情片)
On display in Chaplin’s study at, there are different versions of My Autobiography. In the first photo, on the right, Chaplin noted the pages where he had made changes on the cover of a proof of the book. There is also a copy of My Autobiography dedicated to "the hero of this book: my brother Sydney, with love, Charlie. September 9th 1964".
我打算在11月18日上午舉辦紀念Peter Drucker的討論會。
內容談他與W. Edwards Deming的"日本論",他獨特的日本繪畫論。更集中注意力談 Peter Drucker的著作,譬如說回憶錄《旁觀者》和他好友認為最好的《不連續的時代》。
《旁觀者》的群英錄都很獨特,翻翻Polanyi一家,對老Polanyi的教育讚嘆。我對最小的兒子Michael Polanyi有些研究,可Drucker說,他最有名的著作是:Beyond Nihilism By M. Polanyi,這我還沒讀過,慚愧。
117 《居里夫人傳》1975/1977
On this day in 1867, Polish and naturalized-French scientist Marie Curie was born in Warsaw. Today we pay tribute to this woman who passionately dedicated her life to scientific research. Largely known for her work in the radioactivity field, it is important to recall that Marie Curie was the first woman ever to receive the Nobel Prize, the first person and only woman to win twice, the only person to win a Nobel Prize in two different sciences, as well as the first woman to l
lecture at the Sorbonne University in Paris.
Marie Curie will always be an inspiring example to all women wishing to pursue a career in science. Today let us remember Marie Curie and let us remember that the World still needs more women in science.
The Fixer provides a fictionalized version of the Beilis case. Menahem Mendel Beilis was a Jew unjustly imprisoned in Tsarist Russia. The "Beilis trial" of 1913 caused an international uproar and Beilis was acquitted by a jury.
Descendants of Mendel Beilis have long argued that in writing The Fixer, Malamud plagiarized from the 1926 English edition of Beilis's memoir, The Story of My Sufferings. One of Beilis's sons made such claims in correspondence to Malamud when The Fixer was first published. A 2011 edition of Beilis's memoir, co-edited by one of his grandsons, claims to identify 35 instances of plagiarism by Malamud.[3]
Responding to the allegations of plagiarism made by Beilis's descendants, Malamud's biographer Philip Davis acknowledged "some close verbal parallels" between Beilis's memoir and Malamud's novel. Davis argued, however, "When it mattered most, [Malamud's] sentences offered a different dimension and a deeper emotion."[4]
Jewish Studies scholar Michael Tritt has characterized the relationship between Malamud's The Fixer and Beilis's The Story of My Sufferings as one of "indebtedness and innovation".[5]
^"Fiction". Past winners & finalists by category. The Pulitzer Prizes. Retrieved 2012-03-30.
^Beilis, Mendel. Blood Libel: The Life and Memory of Mendel Beilis, ed. Jay Beilis et al. (2011)
^Davis, Philip. Bernard Malamud: A Writer's Life (2007), pp. 241–43
^Tritt, Michael. "Mendel Beilis's The Story of My Sufferings and Malamud's The Fixer: A Study of Indebtedness and Innovation", Modern Jewish Studies 13, no. 4 (Summer, 2004), p. 70