Tuesday, September 10, 2024



感動(78):《白鯨記  之道 》專題 (1,2023) :《白鯨記 22   聖誕快樂》冬至湯圓(紅白)到There is a Land of Pure Delight《白鯨記 42   白鯨之白  》。Rockwell_Kent等(插)畫名家 : Moby Dick or The Whale – Herman Melville (Chicago: Lakeside Press and New York: Random House, 1930), 哥川廣重  江戶名所之"白"。 

Moby Dick attacking a whaling boat


  • Johnson, Fridolf. The Illustrations of Rockwell Kent: 231 examples from Books, Magazines, and Advertising Art. New York: Dover Publications, 1976.

One of Kent's exemplary pen-and-ink drawings from Moby Dick appears on a U.S. postage stamp issued as part of the 2001 commemorative panel celebrating American Illustration, with other artistic examples by Maxfield ParrishFrederic Remington, and Norman Rockwell.

“Sweet fields beyond the swelling flood, 

Stand dressed in living green. 

So to the Jews old Canaan stood, 

While Jordan rolled between.”

 感動(78):《白鯨記  之道 》專題 (1,2023) :《白鯨記 22   聖誕快樂》冬至湯圓(紅白)到There is a Land of Pure Delight《白鯨記 42   白鯨之白  》。Rockwell_Kent等(插)畫名家 : Moby Dick or The Whale – Herman Melville (Chicago: Lakeside Press and New York: Random House, 1930), 哥川廣重  江戶名所之"白"。 


動(78):《白鯨記  之道 》專題 (1,2023) :《白鯨記 22   聖誕快樂》冬至湯圓(紅白)到There is a Land of Pure Delight《白鯨記 42   白鯨之白  》。Rockwell_Kent等(插)畫名家 : Moby Dick or The Whale – Herman Melville (Chicago: Lakeside Press and New York: Random House, 1930), 哥川廣重  江戶名所之"白"。 


感動(77):無限II 倩玉的版画世界JUDY ONGG WOODBLOCK PRINTS 翁倩玉。許多“微感動”,冬至快樂! the winter solstice,  the symbolic rebirth of the sun, Happy winter solstice! Don’t forget to wrap up warm! 美國 台灣 被她的歌聲感動到淚如雨下your one wild and precious life.   

 Kevin Kelly〈下一個五千天〉


感動 (76) :  友情與師生情:曹永洋;李肇修、廖志峰 (都是漢清講堂之友)。直播會前會後「 淚光 閃爍」:曹永洋:文學史上的 《白鯨記》(2023年12月21日)。比較志文版、上海譯文版


曹永洋:文學史上的 白鯨記(2023年12月21日)

感動 (75): 曹永洋導"讀" 志文版  《白鯨記》,

感動 (74~75) 感動 (74):《白鯨記》(Moby Dick ByHerman Melville赫曼‧梅爾維爾原作直播討論 鍾漢清 2023. 12月21早上11點 ) :不朽的Moby Dick《白鯨記》, 孫康宜、劉克襄等等 《我們賴以生存的譬喻》,Norton 研讀本;中譯本從曹庸1957到 陳榮彬2019 ; Unpainted to the Last - University Press of Kansas 1995 20世紀各出版社插圖,道明ˉFrank Stella (1936 - ) 到名家The Waves Series 。感動 (75): 曹永洋導"讀" 志文版 《白鯨記》,約下午約2點半,


感動(73):英國聖誕特色,今年最盛 幽默諷刺美國Trump 事件,最妙 二齒 Panto goes political this year with Brexit and Trump jokes;【國際新聞小八卦】黃哲斌。 How Picasso haunted 2023......Toshiba is set to delist in Japan after 74 years Time Square 企業廣告.....

感動 (72) 人類自由指數。《回憶錄》:失敗者;革後餘生、杜邦家捐花園。西蒙娜·波伏娃《第二性》"Mémoires d'une jeune fille rangée"《年輕的回憶》, 超富豪 得天獨厚者  It’s My Privilege: Glorious Memoirs by the Very Rich 得超富人家的光榮回憶錄。 Gloria Vanderbilt’s memoir “Once Upon a Time.” 羅斌「他身:本人、他人、神、鬼與祖先」的表現 。 。underwater cables。 BREAKING: The Colorado Supreme Court has disqualified....   Mistletoe稱槲寄生植物。" reading party"(美國)。LG 後代爭產分家?  Google’s Epic Loss, and How 2023 Changed the Internet. 國際象棋巨星 Bodhana Sivanandan8歲.  


感動 (71) :佳節近:Christmas trees (傳統自OSLO 之禮;Home in the World) 、The Nativity諸畫 ;"大選的意義" (電視世界大事靜音 放古典音樂 )、"大戰"屠殺的續集; "親愛的33歲"......李遠哲的呼籲;"最在乎的10件事情";      


At last the anchor was up, the sails were set, and off we glided. It was a short, cold Christmas; and as the short northern day merged into night, we found ourselves almost broad upon the wintry ocean, whose freezing spray cased us in ice, as in polished armor. The long rows of teeth on the bulwarks glistened in the moonlight; and like the white ivory tusks of some huge elephant, vast curving icicles depended from the bows.

 ye harpooneers; good white cedar plank is raised full three per cent within the year. Don’t forget your prayers, either. Mr. Starbuck, 

Moby Dick' By Herman Melville《白鯨記》200年

 'Moby Dick' By Herman Melville《白鯨記》出版200年;《人和書》blog 的相關記載

“It’s a horrifying step toward extinction."


Two percent of the world’s North Atlantic right whales have died in the last two months

Oxford World's Classics

We will be honoring Herman Melville as the #ClassicsInContext Author of the month for August! Herman Melville was born on August 1, 1819 in New York City. Melville is a renowned American novelist, poet, and short story writer, most notably for 'Moby Dick' and 'Bartleby, the Scrivener.' At the start of his life, he and his family lived in luxury, only to plunge into poverty once his father died shortly after the failure of his import business in 1832. The author later embarked on a whaling voyage in the South Seas that inspired his early novels 'Typee' and 'Omoo.'

圖像裡可能有1 人、鬍鬚

Today is Herman Melville’s 200th birthday. For the past century, his fame has known no bounds, his reputation no rest, his life no privacy—something he desperately sought, and found at a farm in the Berkshires.

Herman Melville at Home

Herman Melville

Happy 200th Birthday to Herman Melville, born on this day in 1819 in New York, NY.
“Consider the subtleness of the sea; how its most dreaded creatures glide under water, unapparent for the most part, and treacherously hidden beneath the loveliest tints of azure. Consider also the devilish brilliance and beauty of many of its most remorseless tribes, as the dainty embellished shape of many species of sharks. Consider, once more, the universal cannibalism of the sea; all whose creatures prey upon each other, carrying on eternal war since the world began.
Consider all this; and then turn to the green, gentle, and most docile earth; consider them both, the sea and the land; and do you not find a strange analogy to something in yourself? For as this appalling ocean surrounds the verdant land, so in the soul of man there lies one insular Tahiti, full of peace and joy, but encompassed by all the horrors of the half-known life. God keep thee! Push not off from that isle, thou canst never return!”
― from MOBY DICK (1851) by Herman Melville

"It is not down in any map; true places never are." Today marks 200 years since the birth of MOBY-DICK author Herman Melville. Learn more about Ahab, Ishmael, and the white whale: http://bit.ly/2Kmro8H



人和書blog 的相關記載
Herman Melville: "Bartleby, the Scrivener", "Omoo", Complete Shorter Fiction 大洋洲的逍遙列島(attraction to the South Seas)

名著金句: "Billy Budd, Sailor"

"Moby Dick" is an acquired taste—like Melville himself. MOBY-DICK, Making Digital Books Into Page Turners

Moby Dick, All Quiet on the Western Front and Homer's The Odyssey by Bob Dylan

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