Sunday, September 1, 2024

幾堂青春的文學課 (4新潮文庫出發):法國文學 4。 莫渝與新潮文庫;重要分水嶺:莫渝《惡之華》(浙江大學出版社珍藏版) 波特萊爾到超現實主義文藝;BRETON《納嘉 》等 ....... 。藝術插畫: MATISSE等等 。 文類綜論:名詩歌: 施穎洲;短篇小說: 胡適譯選。黎烈文 《遇見法國文學》。書信集《福樓拜 VS 喬治桑》《馬拉美與莫里索書信集》《256 Berthe Morisot 的繪畫人生》。


幾堂青春的文學課 (4新潮文庫出發):法國文學 4。 莫渝與新潮文庫;重要分水嶺:莫渝《惡之華》(浙江大學出版社珍藏版) 波特萊爾到超現實主義文藝;BRETON《納嘉 》等 ....... 。藝術插畫: MATISSE等等 。 文類綜論:名詩歌: 施穎洲;短篇小說: 胡適譯選。黎烈文 《遇見法國文學》。書信集《福樓拜 VS 喬治桑》《馬拉美與莫里索書信集》《256 Berthe Morisot 的繪畫人生》。

 幾堂青春的文學課 (4新潮文庫出發):法國文學 4。  《惡之華》 藝術插畫: MATISSE等等 。 文類綜論:名詩歌: 施穎洲;短篇小說: 胡適譯選。黎烈文  《遇見法國文學》。書信集《福樓拜 VS 喬治桑》《馬拉美與莫里索書信集》《256 Berthe Morisot 的繪畫人生》。

幾堂青春的文學課 (4新潮文庫出發):法國文學 4,

漢清講堂 8月27 張恒豪,莫渝,曹永洋,秦賢次

文類綜論:名詩歌: 施穎洲;短篇小說: 胡適譯選。黎烈文  

書信集《福樓拜 VS 喬治桑》

"Berthe Morisot  (1841-1895) 的親友圈:繪畫人生,群己兩全" 她的法文傳記等,日本都有翻譯;Art of Seeing and Being Seen.馬拉美與莫里索書信集;馬內的謬思:印象女神莫莉索(普)

莫洛亞Andre Maurois 《雨果傳》志文, 新潮文庫118  1975 ,《雨果傳_Olympio: The Life of Victor Hugo》浙江大學,  1986/2013。傅雷(1908—1966)翻譯出版獎,巴爾扎克;羅曼·羅蘭《約翰·克里斯朵夫》《米開朗基羅傳》《托爾斯泰傳》《貝多芬傳》《夏洛外傳》《服爾德傳》《老實人》《查第格》........。胡品清(1921—2006)翻譯出版獎。《巴黎的憂鬱》《二重奏》《心靈守護者》  ........   

/ Jean-Jacques Rousseau /


"Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains."


"Jean-Jacques Rousseau, (born June 28, 1712, Geneva, Switz.—died July 2, 1778, Ermenonville, France), Swiss-French philosopher. At age 16 he fled Geneva to Savoy, where he became the steward and later the lover of the baronne de Warens. 

At age 30, having furthered his education and social position under her influence, he moved to Paris, where he joined Denis Diderot at the centre of the philosophes; he wrote on music and economics for Diderot’s Encyclopédie. His first major work, the Discourse on the Arts and Sciences (1750), argued that man is good by nature but has been corrupted by society and civilization; Rousseau’s belief in the natural goodness of man set him apart from Roman Catholic writers who, like him, were hostile to the idea of progress. He also wrote music; his light opera The Cunning-Man (1752) was widely admired. In 1752 he became involved in an influential dispute with Jean-Philippe Rameau over the relative merits of French and Italian music; Rousseau championed the latter. In the Discourse on the Origin and Foundations of Inequality Among Men (1754), he argued against Thomas Hobbes that human life before the formation of societies was healthy, happy, and free and that vice arose as the result of social organization and especially the introduction of private property. 

Civil society, he held, comes into being only to ensure peace and to protect property, which not everyone has; it thus represents a fraudulent social contract that reinforces inequality. 

In the Social Contract (1762), which begins with the memorable line, “Man was born free, but he is everywhere in chains,” Rousseau argues that a civil society based on a genuine social contract rather than a fraudulent one would provide people with a better kind of freedom in exchange for their natural independence, namely, political liberty, which he understands as obedience to a self-imposed law created by the “general will.” 

In 1762 the publication of Émile, a treatise on education, produced outrage, and Rousseau was forced to flee to Switzerland. 

He began showing signs of mental instability c. 1767, and he died insane. 

His Confessions (1781–88), which he modeled on the work of the same title by St. Augustine, is among the most famous autobiographies." (Britannica)


The Social Contract


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