Friday, September 6, 2024

英國文學 5 也許英國最好的長篇小說。T. S. Eliot 的詩歌,文論,戲劇 。 非商業旅人(狄更斯)。The sense of an ending By Julian Barnes 文學與電影

The 100 greatest British novels:

Most of the trouble in the world is caused by people wanting to be important.

~ T.S Eliot

Andrei Tarkovsky has directed seven feature films that have established him as one of the most important directors in the history of cinema. His legacy is such that he instituted his own language and aesthetics.

To say that The Sacrifice sums up his work, his cinematography and his philosophy is not simply motivated by the fact that it's his last film. 

The Sacrifice is a masterpiece that explores profound themes of existentialism, spirituality and the human condition. The film unfolds slowly, inviting viewers into the inner world of its protagonist, Alexander, brilliantly portrayed by Erland Josephson. Set against a backdrop of impending doom and global catastrophe, it revolves around the essence of faith, sacrifice, and the search for meaning in a world on the brink of destruction.

Tarkovsky's unmistakable long takes and breathtaking cinematography immerse the viewer in beautiful landscapes, often serving as visual metaphors for the characters' inner conflicts.

While some might find its deliberate pace and abstract storytelling demanding, those willing to engage deeply will discover a profoundly moving and thought-provoking cinematic experience that encourages us to reflect about the complexities of life, love, and the metaphysical.

"The Sacrifice" stands as a testament to Tarkovsky's mastery of cinema, leaving an indelible mark on those who delve into its depths.

The Sacrifice

Original title: Offret

Release date: 1986

Runtime: 2 hours 29 minutes

🎬 Director: Andrei Tarkovski.


the Themes in "Waiting for Godot"

Samuel Beckett's iconic play, "Waiting for Godot", is a masterpiece of absurdist theatre that delves into the human condition, revealing the absurdity, uncertainty, and despair that accompany our existence. Here are the major themes:

1. The Absurdity of Life

The play highlights the absurdity of human existence, where characters wait endlessly for something that may never arrive, mirroring the futility of human endeavors.

2. Uncertainty and Doubt

Godot's absence and the characters' uncertainty about his arrival embody the existential doubt that pervades human life, leaving us questioning the meaning and purpose of our existence.

3. The Search for Meaning

Vladimir and Estragon's wait for Godot serves as a metaphor for humanity's search for meaning, purpose, and connection in a seemingly indifferent world.

4. The Futility of Human Endeavor

The play critiques the futility of human actions, as the characters' attempts to pass time, find meaning, and connect with each other ultimately lead to nothing.

5. Alienation and Isolation

The characters' inability to truly connect with each other, despite their physical proximity, highlights the alienation and isolation that can accompany human existence.

6. Time and Its Relativity

The play's non-linear structure and the characters' distorted sense of time illustrate the relativity of time and its subjective nature.

7. The Cyclical Nature of Existence

The repetitive structure of the play, with Vladimir and Estragon's wait for Godot repeating itself, suggests the cyclical nature of existence, where events and experiences recur without progress or resolution.

8. The Illusion of Hope

Godot's promised arrival serves as an illusion of hope, perpetuating the characters' wait and mirroring humanity's tendency to cling to hope despite the uncertainty of its fulfillment.






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