Tuesday, September 3, 2024

幾堂青春文學課(新潮文庫出發):英國文學 2 。(敬悼新潮文庫譯者方瑜教授(1945-2024)談百元鎂賄賂12歲女兒讀完整本小說……新潮文庫十幾本讀書之道的書之外……《一百年來》中的世界名住院獨。 J. ): "English Literature: a Very Short Introduction (OU Professor Sir Jonathan Bate) ..CHARLES DICKENS 李弘祺 演講 基督教 A Christmas Carol and Other Christmas Books..... 《聖經》《故事集》《仙后》 《失樂園》........"The Iliad," "The Aeneid," "Beowulf," "The Divine Comedy," "Paradise Lost," and James Joyce's "Ulysses.

 幾堂青春文學課(新潮文庫出發):英國文學 2 。(敬悼新潮文庫譯者方瑜教授(1945-2024)談百元鎂賄賂12歲女兒讀完整本小說……新潮文庫十幾本讀書之道的書之外……《一百年來》中的世界名住院獨。 J. ): "English Literature: a Very Short Introduction  (OU Professor Sir Jonathan Bate)  ..CHARLES DICKENS 李弘祺 演講 基督教  A Christmas Carol and Other Christmas Books.....  《聖經》《故事集》《仙后》  《失樂園》........"The Iliad," "The Aeneid," "Beowulf," "The Divine Comedy," "Paradise Lost," and James Joyce's "Ulysses.   

非常謝謝漢青先生談到了我前天的演講(“狄更斯與基督教”)和家父的自傳,《一百年來》。非常出我意外。我明後天做一點appreciative response.這裏先感謝前幾天他請我和幾位朋友一同吃飯(在醉紅小厨)(請看8:28 的貼文)。

A Christmas Carol and Other Christmas Books
Oxford University Press
https://global.oup.com › ukhe › product › a-christmas-ca...

This edition reprints the story alongside Dickens's four other Christmas Books: The Chimes, The Cricket on the Hearth, The Battle of Life, and The Haunted Man.

Professor Sir Jonathan Bate

Senior Research Fellow
Worcester College

Worcester College
Early Modern
Fixed-term and College Staff

Research Interests
Teaching Areas
Other Information

Shakespeare and Renaissance Literature, Romanticism, biography and life-writing, ecocriticism, the classical influence on English literature, contemporary poetry and theatre history

The list was updated

The RSC Shakespeare: Complete Works (Second Edition)
April 2022 |
Edited book

Mad about Shakespeare: from classroom to theatre to emergency room
April 2022 |

John Keats in the season of mists
February 2021 |
Journal article |

Cherchez la femme: John Keats and Mrs Jones
February 2021 |
Journal article |
TLS - The Times Literary Supplement

Bright Star, Green Light
February 2021 |


仙后  失樂園

Harold Bloom · 西方正典(全二冊) · 靈知天使.夢境 · 讀詩的藝術 · 西方正典(上、下) · 西方正典(上) · 西方正典(下) 

A collection of critical writings about some of the greatest epic works in the Western literary tradition, including "The Iliad," "The Aeneid," "Beowulf," "The Divine Comedy," "Paradise Lost," and James Joyce's "Ulysses."

 184 pp. 15 b/w halftones

幾堂青春文學課(新潮文庫出發):英國文學 1 。 Univ. of Essex motto: "Thought the harder, heart the keener" is adapted from the Anglo-Saxon poem The Battle of Maldon. 威廉高汀的《蒼蠅王》'Lord of the Flies' by William Golding,楊耐冬譯,台北 志文1984 新潮世界名著 王文興的長篇評論11/。說不完的莎士比亞 (例 Tycho 座右銘化為Hamlet 一句…… Tyrant: Shakespeare on Politics Stephen Greenblatt. Allan Bloom 《莎士比亞的政治》Shakespeare's Politics 1964, )…… 《飢渴的想像:約翰遜散文作品選》



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